indie artist

Artist News

How a decaying business model now gives artists new money-making opportunities

December 17, 2013
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The decaying business model?

 The one that takes your talent, promises you everything and gives you back damned little in return…if anything. Just ask Lyle Lovett. He’s sold 4.6 million albums in the United States since 1991…and says he didn’t make a dime.

Decaying business model? Small wonder.

The music label models are dying or dead and don’t know it…decaying zombies who walk the earth thinking they are still alive. They rule the American airwaves with big money. They need fresh blood to survive. But they want the big game. They’re not going to give you a second glance. Or even a first glance. Not now, when it costs $1 million to get a single side played on the radio.

The good news?

Artists and musicians like you are seeing the light. The labels are telling them to go away. And they are. Far away. You don’t have to take it any more. Now there’s a way to have your music heard- and played- worldwide. No it’s not streaming. That’s not a profitable option.  Or downloads. Instead, there’s a proven way to have your music heard by millions. Worldwide.

Music heard plus Music played equals money made.

The key to music success has been around since the first guy beat on a log with a stick and discovered that if people liked the sound they would actually give him something to hear him do it again.  Somewhere down the road he added some strings, found a vocalist and hit the road. There was no radio…no tape, no records, no CDs…no streaming. Bands had to jump onto a bus and take their music to listeners and the listeners would pay. The more listeners who heard and liked their music, the more money made by the band. Along came radio. The recording industry followed. And millions of dollars changed hands. Mostly from one hand in the music label to another hand at their bank.

Pretty clear things have changed.  Hardly anyone is buying CDs, the big labels have nothing to sell, and the retailers who used to sell CDs have called it quits or closed their doors. The future is digital, right? Not so fast.

What we have today is the ‘Big Bang’ of Digital Music.

There’s been an expansion of digital delivery from zero to infinity at the speed of light. Problem is, like our early universe, there’s still a massive void where ideas and concepts are bouncing around, speeding and colliding with each other. Some surviving. Some not.

Some being reshaped by the minute.

There is confusion among everyone in the music business. The big labels are pulling back and not signing new artists. The established artists are experimenting with digital downloads and streaming and not liking it very much at all. Lady Gaga will tell you that.  In one year, on one streaming service, her’ Poker Face’ track was played more than a million times…Lady Gaga made only $167. One million streams. $167.  Not so much a bang as it is the proverbial whimper.

Confusion offers a real opportunity for musicians.

The big labels will tell you to take your music and go away. And we couldn’t agree more.  Things will settle down. The old business models will evolve in time as the big money in the music business figures out how to squeeze everyone involved once again.

In the meantime, now is your chance to get your foot in the front door…by slipping in the back door. The old way to new success.

It’s called radio. On-the-air, terrestrial radio. But it’s not your grandfather’s radio. It’s not even your grandfather’s country.

In the United States, radio listeners have been leaving in massive numbers. At the same time, listeners in other countries have been exploding by those same massive numbers. Foreign radio is not so controlled as our domestic stations. Overseas DJs and PDs actually listen to new music as it arrives…and if they like it they play it.  And if the audience, likes it they pass it along. And an unknown group becomes known very quickly…opening the doors to personal appearances, concerts, and merchandise sales. And even catching the attention of the big labels…if you still want that attention.

Having your music heard and played on radio stations worldwide takes only two things: Musik Radio Promotions and a well-produced track.  We offer you 6.5 billion new on-the-air RADIO listeners worldwide. Specifically, 165,000+ radio stations and networks including 95% FM, plus AM…and Internet Radio… in 104 countries.

So, what can Musik and Film Records offer to the Indie Artists?

(1) First Class production including development, recording, mixing, mastering, or even personally playing on the recording, co-writing and arranging your work if needed

(2) A REAL way of getting your music heard AND played with Musik Radio Promotions.

(3) Custom touring packages with established airplay.

And that’s the short list.

Decaying business model? It all depends on how you look at it.







Artist News

Is The Dream of a Major Label Deal Just a Dream?

October 23, 2013
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Once upon a time an artist could dream they would be the lucky one–that a major record deal would appear under their pillow. They would wake up and go into a studio and record an album with a top-notch producer. Once the album was complete the major label would hire publicists, radio promoters and put them on tour with another major artist. Soon thereafter they would be a star. Nice dream. Unfortunately, that was once upon a time.

Today is a new day. Major labels still exist but on a different level. The days of discovering talent are over. EMI and all its subsidiaries went bankrupt and their catalog was sold for exploitation. There are no more development deals of which we know.. There are no more major record deals for the unknown artists. There are no more free development or PR or radio promotion. There is no one left to pick up the tab but the artist themselves.Radio Promotions

Artists around the world can thank the digital age for this shift. Free downloads, free streaming — No more record stores, only a handful here and there. So how can a major label recoup their investment into developing a new artist? They can’t , that’s why those days are over.

Artists need to realize if they are going to make it — it is going to be up to them to hire the studios, the producers, the publicist and the radio promoter. They are going to have to be very savvy and educated on what’s happening in the industry today. They are going to have to work their social media, publicity and radio promotions.

I quote “. Commercial radio airplay remains the number one outlet for discovery” Here are the 12 strategies for success as an indie artist. .

Again I quote “Treat your career like a business – because it IS! “

As an artist you are the only one who can help you get to where you want to go in your career. So grab hold, educate yourself to the business today. Formulate a solid business plan. Associate yourself wisely and most of all create great music because its what you do best.

For a free consultation to formulate YOUR business plan email us at



Stephen Wrench, President, Musik and Film Records

Wrench has been in the music business for over 40 years as singer/songwriter, producer and record label executive for RCA in Nashville. He nows runs a successful indie label and radio promotions company under the Musik and Film label. For more information on Stephen Wrench, go to

Artist News Press Release

Indie On The Move – Resource for Indie Artist MAF is proud to support

September 15, 2013
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New homepage feature –

“I just wanted to inform all of how great Indie On The Move is. Whether it be booking a tour or discovering local artists, its such a great and resourceful tool. Booking agents, labels, bands, DIY artists, venues and promoters have all the info they need using this website [IOTM].”

Musik Radio Promotions can help you pinpoint an area to book through IOTM. Contact us for details.

Artist News

Musik Radio Promotions now in 104 countries with 150,000+ stations/syndicated

September 14, 2013
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Musik Radio Promotions is adding radio stations to its radio campaigns every week. We are pleased to announce we have just completed adding literally just about every radio station in South America. This brings Musik Radio Promotions campaigns to 104 countries around the world. South America is very receptive to hearing and playing good music in all genres from indie artists. The countries added are
World Rank Country 2012 GDP (PPP)
millions of International dollars
South America 4,975,089
1 7 Brazil Brazil 2,392,958
2 21 Argentina Argentina 756,226
3 28 Colombia Colombia 500,573
4 33 Venezuela Venezuela 396,753
5 40 Peru Peru 322,355
6 42 Chile Chile 316,514
7 62 Ecuador Ecuador 134,805
8 89 Bolivia Bolivia 54,325
9 90 Uruguay Uruguay 53,182
10 102 Paraguay Paraguay 35,306
11 153 Guyana Guyana 6,379
12 155 Suriname Suriname 5,711
Artist News


August 27, 2013
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 Sweden’s, LaGaylia Frazier released an EP full of soul and blues and funk entitled, That Girl, on August 14, 2013. After 20 plus years in show business she thinks it’s time to get personal and real with the music that has inspired her. She has never been more sincere than now.

With the new EP, That Girl, LaGaylia wants to show what she is really about musically.  Musik Radio Promotions was the perfect vehicle to partner with to ensure LaGaylia’s music was “heard” round the world. Since promotions began in earlier this month, over 4,000 stations have found what LaGaylia is all about.
The EP is all about raw soul and funk.The productions are stripped down, and the EP was recorded during three intensive days in a small studio in Stockholm. Inspiration was found in everything from Prince to Stevie wonder to Portisehead.

LaGaylia says of the release, ” I’m really proud of this EP. I hope these tracks make you feel like dancing!”

Artist News Press Release

How to get USA radio airplay

August 26, 2013
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You write what you think is a hit. So now what do you do?

You go online and look for radio promotion companies. You think it’s simple – if you can get it out to radio they will know your song is a hit and it will be played and will chart. Wrong!

Getting airplay differs all over the world. Lets take the US, for example, everyone no matter where you live, wants US airplay.

Clear Channels entered into revenue sharing agreements with numerous record labels. Clear Channels is even called a “Media Mobster”.
You are an Independent artist, why do you think you are going to be played by the United States largest radio conglomerate? You may have a hit, a great song. But this is a money game, like most big business controlled by giants, so only giants have access.

If you want to get a hit in the US you will have to play the game. Meaning you better have some very deep pockets to play in this high stakes game. You will need to hire a team of promoters to maneuver your song into the charts. This team will need to be in a position to grease the airplay wheels to get your song played. Call it payola, call it big business, call it what you want. But the bottom line is unless you have a million dollars to drop into your single you are not going to get a hit record in the US.

So where does that leave you and your “hit” song? There are a lot of countries in the world. Most are very receptive to hearing and playing good music. The BBC radio network is the largest radio network in the world.
Guess what? They listen to independent artists music and if they like it they play it. There are numerous other radio networks and stations around the world that don’t care who the label is and don’t care if you are an indie artist. The only thing they care about is it good music.  So, there is hope.

It is a digital world so why would anyone send a cd to radio? There are radio promotion companies that advertise – pay us and we will put your music on our site. The premise is that radio will sign in and wade thru the thousands of songs and find yours. Wrong again. You need to deliver your song by a respected radio promoter digitally to the radio station programmers. This way they can stream a piece of your music and if they like it then they will look at the rest of your submission, download it and play your music.

How to get radio airplay in the US?

There is always a way to get in the US front door , sometimes you need to go in the back door to be in the house.


Carol Strickland single, ‘Bitterness and Pain’, feeling no pain with Musik Radio Promotions

May 14, 2013
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Carol Strickland is feeling no pain these days, as his single, ‘Bitterness and Pain’, is being heard on thousands of stations worldwide.

After signing a record and promotions deal with Musik and Film a few short months ago, ‘Pouring Rain’, Carol’s EP was released for distribution. Musik Radio Promotions began a campaign for the single, ‘Bitterness and Pain’, and immediately captured the attention of radio station managers across the globe including the BBC network and ECMA reporting stations.

Stephen Wrench says of Carol, “he writes with honesty and sings with emotion. Carol draws you in as he tells his stories in song”.

” Without any pretentiousness, Carol Strickland  is true to his craft and easily demonstrates his compassion for each lyric, whether it concerns an abusive father in “Bitterness and Pain”, a love on the verge of being lost as in “Pouring Rain,” or an anthem of encouragement to givers in “Help Your Fellow Man. His “Good Intentions” project is a wonderful collection of a man who feels deeply for life, sings from the soul,and reminds all of us of our frailties and faith. It is his portrayal of faith and understanding of the struggle often to maintain it that sets Carol Strickland aside from other tune smiths.” Wayne Morton Operations Manager (Ret.)96.3 WGOG

Carol states, “After years of struggling to make it to the Country Radio airways and jacklegg promotion companies taking advantage of what money I had to spend. GOD brought me MUSIK AND FILM and I am more than satisfied. STEPHEN and Rhonda have truly brought this dream of mine to life. Being picked up by the BBC AND THE ECMA. Having more spins in 48 hours than I’ve had my entire music career.

And Carol can look forward to many more “spins” to come!

Carol Strickland Pouring Rain




California’s Country Singer/Songwriter, Amy Gass, goes global with Musik Radio Promotions

April 15, 2013
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Amy Gass is a serious artist, willing to work hard to make her dreams a reality.  Says Amy, “Every moment, good or bad, is another opportunity to reach out and connect with the audience.

Amy has taken a step further to make her dreams a reality, signing with Musik Radio to promote her music in 60 countries to over 50,000 stations worldwide.

Her latest CD album shows off Amy’s talent as an exceptional singer and song writer.  Eight out of the ten songs were co-written by Amy, and you will enjoy her style and sound in these heart felt songs.  You can almost taste the intensity of “Never Knew”, and hear the determination of will in the song, “Strong”.

Manuel De Haro, producer and owner of Acceso Productions says, “I have to say Amy’s voice and talent is one of the most unique I have heard, and her passion and dedication for music are always inspiring.  I am always blown away by her impressive voice”

A favorite on her my space page is the rockin’ “When Good Girls Love bad Boys”. Then the adolescent pureness of the song, “My Best Friend” takes you back to childhood and dreaming that anything is possible. The crown jewel of the album is the heart wrenching duet, “When We’re Cheating On Each Other”. It reminds one of George Jones and Tammy Wynette.

  Amy  remarks, “Thanks to Stephen and his whole team, I am now being played in the UK, USA, Netherlands and all over Europe. I really appreciate Musik and Film’s support of my music and very impressed by the results I am getting now. For any artist who has been struggling with a dream and would love to be heard among the many, this is the right home for you. Again, thank you Stephen and your whole gang, I look forward to the future and the success to come!

Amy is now being played on over 3000 stations including the BBC Network, Australia, NZ, and Japan and is listed on the Musik Radio Wall of Success. 










Artist News Uncategorized

Beating The Odds- How Indie Artists Are Winning the Battle for Effective Commercial Airplay

March 30, 2013
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Recently there was an article by a well-known indie artist’s site entitled, “Radio Promotion- Why You Won’t Get Commercial Airplay”.  There is nothing further from the truth.

Good News – outside the US, world radio plays what they consider is good music.

They don’t care “who” the label is and you can’t pay them to play what they consider bad music. They are attentive to their listening audience and play what the audience wants to hear.

The Not so good news -Every year thousands of Indie artists attempt to place their music on commercial radio in the US to find it is only a racket. It’s a closed system of secret handshakes, pay to play, and broken promises. The playlists on commercial radio stations are mostly dictated from a central corporate headquarters and the songs are picked based on what record companies are “paying” the most in favors, vacations, money, and other various “who knows”? (top forty anyone?)

However, radio is still the most effective way to expose an Indie artist’s music to the public.

In the past, it was a daunting, expensive process. For decades, a promotion company worked in a limited geographical area. The promoter sent out records, tapes, cds to about 200 or so radio programmers in a specific genre and geographical region. There are still old school radio promoters out there doing business the same way. Not very effective, nor does it reach a lot of stations or give the artist maximum exposure.

Radio Promotion in the 21st Century

Now there are tons of companies offering promotion to internet radio stations. Then there are some internet stations where a artist can pay for so many spins on that internet station. It is unlikely anyone will ever hear them since the only people who listen to these stations are artists who paid to have their music played. Most of the listeners are other artists waiting to hear their song played.

Then there are the promotion companies who for a fee allow you to place your music on their site advertising that they have X amount of radio stations. They say that their radio stations are going to go on their site and wade through millions of songs in the hopes they will pick yours to add to their playlist. Radio programmers do not have the time nor the inclination to spend their week wading thru releases to find your song.

So – How DO you get played on BBC, Sirrus, Clear Channels and other major reporting stations?

It’s a big planet we live on. These days with digital distribution and all the many sites on the internet you want the world to hear your music. Not just a limited geographical area. Yes, internet radio is global but mainstream radio is still the most reliable source for anyone to hear your music. Mainstream like the BBC, Sirrus, Clear Channels and other major reporting stations.

How do you get to them?

There are a few innovative companies out there that have stayed ahead of the curve and all the changes. What you as an artist wants is to be able to deliver your music directly into the hands of radio program directors. You want to be able to do this without having to send a cd . Without having to have radio programmers wade thru a million releases to have yours jump out at them.

You want to be heard and played.

So search for a company that delivers a high quality digital press kit to radio programmers that they can quickly stream and listen to. And if they like what they hear they can download it for airplay. Find a promoter who does this around the globe to tens of thousands of stations – one with developed relationships, measurable results, and references.

Indie Artists Are Getting Commercial Airplay – Now

The good news is outside the US world radio plays what they consider is good music. They don’t care who the label is and you can’t pay them to play what they consider bad music. They are attentive to their listening audience and play what the audience wants to hear. So if you are good as you think you are,  find one of these radio promoters who will deliver your music to the world without you taking out a second mortgage on your home.

We do exist.




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