Artist News

Chris Weaver, Billboard’s “Artist to watch”, partners with Musik Radio Promotions

October 17, 2013
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Country artist, Chris Weaver, was recently reviewed by Billboard as “one of ten artists to watch in Nashville”. 

Following on this trend, Weaver recently partnered with Musik Radio Promotions for an international radio campaign.  ‘Standing in Line’ and ‘Raise the Dead’ are being promoted worldwide.  Weaver’s music was quickly picked up by the BBC network, the largest network of radio stations in the world, and many other major radio networks.

Weaver is going beyond expectations as written in a recent review for Music News Nashville, Chuck Dauphin wrote, “Chris Weaver is a star in the making… an out-and-out singer – with a Capital S.



Press Release

Khylune’s, Made in China, a You Tube hit!

September 22, 2013
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Malaysian native, Khylune, after speaking with Stephen Wrench decided on a whim to fly to Jacksonville, Florida to record with Musik and Film Production Team. The mission was to write a few songs together. The conversation in the studio turned to China. Wrench related, “When I was a kid all the trinkets and cheap junk was made in China and now its the opposite . China has become an industrial giant. So we began writing a song “Made In China” . The afternoon turned silly while recording and one of the writers, Skye Bailey along with Khylune became so fatigued that the comic relief started. The two paired up for 15 minutes making up “on the spot” innuendos and the word, “Chinglish” was born!

“Khy was such a joy to work with”, says Charlton,”the creative juices just kept flowing”.

The hit single was released to worldwide airplay by Musik Radio Promotions and  picked up by the BBC network for airplay in minutes.

We dare you to watch this video – it will be in your head!!




Artist News

Thanks to Indie On the Move for support of Musik Radio Promotions!

September 18, 2013
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Looking for radio spins, interviews, and on-air performances to promote a new album, show, or tour?…Well you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to Indie on the Move’s compiled listing of radio stations and media contacts for bands and musicians looking to better promote and expose their music to the masses (click on a state name for city by city radio listings and contact links).

We did our best to include a thorough and comprehensive listing for all of the 50 states (including College, Commercial, and Online radio stations), but if for some reason we’ve overlooked a station that you believe belongs on the site, please let us know through the contact page located HERE so that we can add it ASAP.

If you’re seeking further insight into radio airplay and general radio promotion, we recommend the following posts:

+Radio Airplay 101 – Which Stations to Choose

+Radio Promo Exec, Dale Connone, Talks Finding Radio Promotion for Indie Artists!

+Radio Promo Tips

And by all means, while you’re visiting us please take a look around the site. Indie on the Move is THE independent music community’s home for show and tour booking. From music venuesshow availabilities, and press and radio contacts to booking agents, band managers, and record labels, we’ve got it all right here for you to take advantage of.

– See more at:

Artist News

Tips to Plan A Worldwide Tour

September 17, 2013
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The President of Virgin Records said to one of our associates who has recently toured the world with Red Jump Suit Apparatus and Paramore, “You cannot tour without radio airplay”.  Thats a fact because no one will know who you are. This does not mean you have to have a charted hit to tour a specific area of the world.

First, you need to hire a radio promotions company who gets your music to the world, not just a few stations in the US. You can do all the data research you want, but until you release your music to the world, you will not know what areas of the world will play you.   Contact the stations that are playing you and thank them. Offer them radio liners, radio interviews and offer to send them a dozen promo give- away cds. Radio likes to offer their listening audience give- aways. To give your cds away, they play you more, mention who you are more and increase your exposure.

Once you have done this you are that radio stations friend. So ask the stations that are playing you who their advertising venues are. Get their contact information. Call, email those venues. Tell them you are playing on xyz radio station in their town and want to come to their town to perform. Let the radio stations know you are going to do this and they will back you because if the venue hires you the venue will hire them to advertise the performance. This will get you even more exposure on that radio station.

Radio will love you because they got the venues advertising dollars because of you. You get a performance date that is well advertised and a radio station that is playing your music and supporting you. Most likely when you go to perform you will have a full house of people who came to see you. You will sell merchandise, gain fans and if you do a good performance be asked to come back again. Everyone wins.

Odds are you will not become a superstar overnight and it will take several releases, but it will build your business and allow you to tour.

Artist News

Radio Promotion and Google

September 17, 2013
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Google “radio airplay” – the pages come up one after another: Guaranteed Airplay, We will get you played on the internet, We’ll make you a star. The list goes on and on. Who do you go to?  What do you do? Your an indie artist with a great song. You don’t have much money so you go to the cheap site –  Yes, 150 bucks we will get you played. Played on what?

OK, so they are gonna let you load up one song on their website and radio is going to sign into their site and listen to thousands of songs and they are going to find yours and get you played worldwide. If you buy that one I have a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell cheap.

An average radio station gets 300 to 500 submissions a week and that is from legitimate radio promoters plus the CDs they get from indie bands. Now you’re supposed to believe that the one person in that radio station is going to have time after they listen to 500 new artists submissions to go sign into a radio site and wade through a few thousand other songs? Don’t think so.

You have heard the old expression “pay peanuts and you get elephants”. You spared no expense creating and recording it. Now you’re out of money and you think this song is so good everyone is gonna’ want to play it. You just have to get it to them.

Bottom line is if you want radio airplay you have to get it heard by the decision makers. That’s the radio programmers and station music directors.

Stephen WrenchPresident, Musik Radio Promotions


Artist News

Does Audio Quality Matter? Part II

September 16, 2013
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We’ve got all kinds of recording programs. Ones that make “this” sound and “that” sound . Programs for drums, programs to analyze. Programs to play your guitar for you. Programs to mix , programs to master. They can create all the recording programs they want, but nothing will ever replace an experienced engineer and producer nor replace their ears and experience.
I have heard really good artists go in and record a good song . When they recorded, it may have sounded good. Then, they put it into a mixing and mastering program and let a computer do the work of human ears. When they performed it live, it made your hair stand up. After all,  isn’t music supposed to invoke emotion? A computer does not have ears, nor can a computer program feel the emotion a great song evokes in humans. The passion, the feeling knowing the singer was singing their heart out cause the listener felt it.
Do you think Janis Joplin, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner trusted some computer program to mix and master them? Trust your own ears and trust what you feel inside when you hear it or find someone you can trust.  A computer program can’t replace the quality in music that is only tangible to the human heart.
Artist News

Quote For the day

September 16, 2013
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The biggest problem independent artists’ face is obscurity. You can have extraordinary songs, but if nobody is listening
to them you will never achieve major success. It’s more than just having a great product or a catchy tune, you need to
promote your brand. People need to get to know you, and they need to be inspired by you. As an artist, you need to
connect with your audience in a personal way.
The good news is we are living in amazing times where technology has made this process so much easier than in the
past. The barriers to entry have been lowered so that you don’t have to rely on a producer or a major label to reach an

Artist News

Bryce Wastney’s hit single, ‘You Got Me’, released on Musik and Film Records

September 16, 2013
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Musik and Film Records is proud to announce the label’s 2nd release by Bryce Wastney, the hit single, ‘You Got Me’.

The release of  “You Got Me”, co-produced with Musik and Film productions, coincides with Wastney’s national tour of New Zealand on the ‘Songbook and Six String’ tour with fellow singer-songwriter, the internationally acclaimed Paul Ubana Jones.

It was one short year ago that New Zealander, Wastney began a fruitful relationship with Stephen Wrench and Musik and Film.“Bryce cut through the hundreds of demos that come across my desk with a talent that hit me between the eyes”. He has a knack for story-telling and the honesty he projects in his music draws in the listener,” says Wrench of working with Wastney.

It has seemed to be a match made in heaven.  Wastney, working with  Musik and Film Productions, released his new single “Dead Man Walking” in May 2013.   A  campaign began with Musik Radio Promotions and the single is now playing on 20,000+ stations around the world. The single also reached #2 on New Zealand’s iTunes country charts and led to a guitar endorsement from Martin guitars.

Bryce’s music traverses folk, country, rock and pop – always soulful whatever the genre. It’s the ideal soundtrack for the traveler and free spirit in us all.

For more information visit Bryce on the wall of success or go to



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