indie artist

Artist News

Taking Care of Business, The Ball is In Your Court…

August 4, 2015
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All I see these days on Linkedin, Facebook and everywhere are people bitchin’ about streaming, the declining music industry and lack of opportunities for Indie artists. Today I see on Linkedin “5 Reasons the Music Business is in the Toilet”. We all know its in the toilet, but what are you gonna do about it.  Boo Hoo there are no more record labels willing to plunk down cash to fund artists. There are no more publishing deals offering cash advances. “Boo Hoo there is no place for starving artists to obtain funding.” Indigogo and others were great at first but now its worn thin. You know what they say “Can’t Never Could”.

A brief background. Major labels fought the digital age. When they finally knew they could not fight it anymore, their way of embracing it ruined the Indie artists. The way they embraced it was to buy every digital distributor there was on the planet. Then the international President of Sony stated publicly, “Indie artists are becoming competition we need to level the playing field”. Their way of leveling the playing field was to embrace streaming services, but they went to the extreme on that one too. They took hundreds of millions in advances to allow streaming services to stream their catalogs. They never asked any artists permission to do so. Then to add insult to injury they keep the yearly advances, nothing is shared with the artists. Then they fed the artists with this crap “oh it’s a great opportunity for the indie artist’s exposure”. Bullshit! How is ANYONE going to find you among Billions of artists? Enough Bitchin’.

Let’s face it streaming is here to stay, it ain’t going away. They may raise the rates by 1/1000 of a cent but what difference will that make? Major labels have always been the gatekeepers and the big money. It doesn’t matter if its music or politics the 1% who has all the money rules the world.

Face the music its always been this way. But there are plenty of tools for the indie artist to succeed. Did you know, this week was the first week in history that 8 artists in the UK’s Top 40 were indie artists? Its starting to happen everywhere. You may not be able to make yourself a superstar, but with a limited budget you can chart, you can tour, and you can make a good living.

Artists have to realize music is a business and they have to run it like a business. Business’s need advertising. In this case advertising is not only social media but worldwide radio airplay. Cause you cannot successfully tour without radio airplay. Neil Young recently said “the only way for artist to make money these days is in the live experience” Perform in front of people all over the world. Sell your merchandise and collect your radio airplay royalties and license your music. But nobody’s gonna do it for you anymore. You have to do it for yourself.

Musik and Film has been working on opportunities worldwide for the Indie Artists through world radio airplay and charting, touring opportunities. Email us at and we will consult with you and help you achieve that success.

Artist News

Make Music and Money Too?!?!

June 22, 2015
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The world is filled with artists, bands and songwriters. All are compelled to make music. Why? Because it’s in their soul. They have no choice. It’s a creative outlet, they feel it, breathe and hear in their head.

I have been creating music since I was a kid, and I will never stop. We musicians have to do it regardless of free streaming or whether we make money from it. But we should be paid for our creativity and there are ways even in today’s music market that a creator of music can make a living from it.

“How?”, you ask? The first thing a creator of music has to do is realize that it is a business. Your business of creating music. Like any other business, your business needs capitol to operate. You need a sound business plan and a good product. In this case the good product is good music.

Okay, so you have recorded the tracks at home and think they are good enough for the world to hear. This is generally not correct unless you are one hell of a studio engineer. When you’re done recording take your session files to a great studio. That’s right great – not good. Have them remix and re-master for you. Radio compresses files so if your tracks are thin and goes to radio they will sound thin. The ole’ saying is “If you are going to do something do it right…”.

Now you have a great product. That’s the start of being in business. So now you think you can go to CD Baby and the world will hear you and want your product. Wrong again. You think that people will see your release and want to hear it. There are literally not millions or billions but TRILLIONS of songs on Spotify and other streaming services. How are they going to find you?

So now you think “Ah Ha!”, social media and I will get fans. You will find a lot of other fellow musicians but rarely fans that will buy your music.

The answers are simple. Radio is still the best way to get and artist heard and gain fans. Yes there are a lot of radio promotion companies out there. Some good and some not so good. You want mass airplay around the world. After all, we are all connected globally now.

Don’t promote your music locally or just in your country. Promote it globally. Find a good publisher who knows what they are doing. They will track down your airplay royalties worldwide. Yes, airplay royalties. Radio actually pays you to play your song. The BBC network 1 thru 6 is the largest radio network in the world. If you get picked up on the main BBC networks they pay in the hundreds of dollars for each spin. A hit song can generate thousands in airplay royalties.

That’s one way to make money off your music. Then after radio is playing your music contact them. Tell them you are coming to their town and want to perform. Ask them what some of their advertising venues. They will be happy to tell you and in most cases be happy to do a 3 way call with the venues. Radio will tell the venue you are playing on their station. If they are playing you in Warsaw Poland then you are a star in Warsaw. Use that status. Radio wants the venue’s advertising dollars. You want a good paying gig. You go to the well-advertised gig, get paid and sell out all your merchandise. Radio got paid so they are now your friend and will play anything you send them. The venue had a full house and want you back. It’s a win-win for all.

Make Money from your music. Radio promotion, airplay royalties, paid performances, merchandise sales.

Artist News

Ron Louis Smith Carries on the Tradition of KC and the Sunshine Band Releases Spank with Musik Radio Promotions

March 2, 2015
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Ron Louis Smith 2nd, son of Ron Sr. original member of KC and the Sunshine Band, has released Spank to worldwide radio promotion. Ron Louis Smith 2nd is the son of ‘Sunshine Royalty. Ronald Louis Sr. (one of the original members of ‘KC and the Sunshine Band’) was the heart and soul of the band’s legendary horn section and an acclaimed songwriter in his own right, writing and co-producing (with Finch and Casey) the International disco hit sensation, ‘ SPANK.’  The song has now been released to worlwide radio with Musik Radio Promotions.

Carrying on in the tradition of his father (and his uncle, Jerome Smith – also a founding member of KC and the Sunshine Band), Ron Louis Smith 2nd has brought that legendary sound and ‘feel good Miami vibes’ to the 21st Century party scene.
As the ‘heir to the throne,’ Smith (the ‘Prince of Sunshine’) is releasing his first album. This project firmly ensconces Smith as a major player in the International club music scene, with groovalicious tracks like, ‘Party Music’ and ‘Can’t Let Go,’ to the heart pounding, soul stirring ‘Don’t Hold Back (All your loving) – and a homage to his father and uncle with the electrifying ‘Spank’ and ‘Come On, Let’s House.’
With tracks flavored with Finch’s signature groove as the backbone to Smith’s insight and genius, this album takes you on an eclectic, audible journey, giving the listener flavors of Caribbean, Junkanoo, Disco and Electric Funk – with Smith’s danceable infusions firmly present in every song.

Artist News

Australian artist, Rida, Top of the Charts Promotions with Musik Radio

March 2, 2015
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Rida’s hit, “Be With Me”  has been topping the charts since the worldwide radio campaign began by Musik Radio Promotions weeks ago.

Rida does it all: R&B, Dance, Rock, College, Urban –his songs are loved by so many fans!

He writes all his own songs – lyrics and melodies, mixes them, and usually does most of his own music, and directs all his own video clips (sometimes collaborating with assistant producers).

There will be much more to come from Rida!



Artist News

Anjali Ray Releases So Long With Musik And Film Radio Promotions

December 29, 2014
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After a full three years writing and recording this album, Anjali is now on a high-speed train with Musik and Film and worldwide radio promotions.

What would Sade, Sarah McLachlan and Tori Amos sound like if they had been raised in India?

Anjali, raised in New Delhi till the age of 10, draws on her extensive training in classical piano, Indian Hindustani classical vocal training, and occasional moonlighting as a jazz pianist to create emotional and haunting melodies. Learning piano through the British school of music since the age of 4, Anjali’s early musical foundation was later strengthened by the contrast of her Indian vocal training, enabling her to begin writing her own songs and communicating in a way words alone never can.

After performing in venues throughout Chicago and Los Angeles, Anjali began a career as an engineer, which enabled her to embrace her greatest gift to date – motherhood. She recently seized the opportunity to create a full length album of songs inspired by her experiences as a wife and mother. Her songs are sonically captivating, blending rhythms and music from east and west. Her lyrics mirror the challenges, struggles and joys we all face in our lifetime, and combine with her powerful, angelic voice to yield a soulful and honest product.


 Recently, Anjali took the next step in her music career by beginning a promotions campaign with Musik and Film.  She was happy to share some of her personal thoughts with the team:
Tell us your experience with your first release?
 After a full three years writing and recording this album, I am now on a high-speed train with Musik and Film. While I greatly admire artists who are able to manage both their music and their promotion, I have always known that I would need a strong partner to ensure that my music reached as wide an audience as possible. I cannot describe how amazing it was to hear myself on the radio for the first time through Musik radio promotions. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

If you could make 1 change to the music industry, what would it be?

The music industry right now is highly corporatized. Streaming services such as Spotify, on the one hand, make music more accessible, which is great for independent artists. But on the other hand it makes it virtually impossible for an independent artist to ever get properly compensated for the effort and work they put into their product. As a result, people are listening to only that which major conglomerates promote, which is low risk and seldom authentic and original. Every new song that comes out is designed to grab your attention within five seconds, and as a result the beauty that is a slow yet glorious build up of a song is no more. Even if we cannot change the corporate model of music, I suppose I would like for these powerful entities to take more chances on artists that have newer sounds, so that music can continue to break boundaries the way it did in the 20th century.

What do you want to always be remembered for?

Above all, as an honest and original songwriter. Secondarily, as a voice for working moms and parents who struggle with the demands of raising kids in a society where help is stigmatized as weakness. This record was created after I emerged from a dark period right after becoming a mom. It does get better.

What advice would you give a music artist who is just starting out?

Practice your craft! Keep playing, keep writing, keep singing. Even if you don’t think there is a reason on the horizon, like a performance or a recording. Because if and when the opportunity does strike, you better be ready.

How would you describe your music?

Hindustani vocal infused classical piano based jazz-influenced pop music with an R&B back line. You know, typical stuff. 😉

When did you realize that you wanted a career in music and what prompted that decision?

An opportunity fell into my lap when I met my producer by chance. I knew then that I owed it to myself, my parents who had invested so much in my musical education, and all the friends who have supported me along the way to make the most of this opportunity and put out the best record that I could.

if you had the chance for the world to hear one song what would it be?

“The best is yet to come”. It is one of the most honest songs I have written, and I believe the theme is universal. It is a song about the enduring bonds of love, but also acknowledges that life isn’t a bed of roses, and that true love deepens through both adversity and joy. Plus, it is a tribute to my husband, and I want my listeners to know how much he has supported me through this entire journey…. Anjali Ray


Artist News

Tired of Articles About How To Make it In The Music Business?

November 14, 2014
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My email gets blasted everyday with 10 tips or 5 ways to get discovered or some other bs article. All to get you to subscribe to their site , to lure the uneducated musician into believing if they just follow these steps they will have a successful career in the music business, BS. They all say the same thing but in a different way.

Do you really want to know how to succeed in the music business? Then read on I will tell you how without any hype. Do you see the word business? Being a good musician is not enough, you have to be a good businessperson. If you are going into business the first thing you should do is fully educate yourself on the business you have chosen to go into. Then formulate a business plan and make sure you have money to carry out your business plan. If you’rE not prepared to be a business person or hire a manager who is — then get used to playing on your porch to the flies cause that’s all that will ever hear you besides the people at the corner bar.

The record labels are dead they aren’t selling records, music is free now . So why would a record label want to sign you and invest thousand’s of dollars with no way to get it back or make a profit. They don’t. The days of record labels are over. So get over it, forget the ole school way and educate yourself and move on.

Lets take a look a one successful indie artist,  Mackelmore . He played all over the country for over a decade and built a huge following. The following drew investors and Mackelmore knew the business so he took the money and played the game very successfully.

OK you’ve read the above articles now read this –promotional dollars spent by Mackelmore were in excess of one million dollars.

The fact is you ain’t gonna hit billboard anytime soon no matter how good you are unless you have at least ½ million to drop into promotion in the US. The whole US and music industry is just as crooked as politics. Fact is you could be Donald Duck and sing out of tune but if you had enough money you could have a hit record. I have heard some awesome musicians and songwriters but unless they learn the business and execute a business plan you ever won’t hear them unless you wade thru the billions of releases on a free streaming site.

OK you don’t have a half a million dollars? Then there are alternatives. Lets begin by crushing some myths. Streaming, the streaming companies advertise free music ,then they try to tell the musicians this is great exposure for them. That BS – how is anyone ever gonna find you among billions of songs. They’re not. Harvard law calls streaming piracy plain and simple. You’ve been ripped off . They have taken the music that you have created and stolen it from you all so they could charge a minimal monthly fee. If Indie musicians would unite, they outnumber the big machine and could crush it. Refuse to give your music away for free. Sell it off your website.

Want a sure fire way to achieve success in the music business? Work your ass off. That’s right work your ass off. First polish your craft so you can hold your own with anyone in the world, develop your product, book gigs even if for free at first if your that good the listeners will know it to and they will tell others and they will all come to see you, get more gigs , work to get them calls , emails what ever it takes even playing acoustically in front of the venue drawing their crowd outside . If you’re good they will hire you. Yeah all this time you are spending several hours a day blogging on social media trying to get fans and if you work your ass off and you are good then you will get fans. That’s success – it’s like a building it’s built one brick at a time- so is your music career.

Then there is radio promotion, essential for all artists. Some produce measurable results some don’t. There’s cheap guaranteed spins, So what if your played on a few internet stations with 4 listener’s each at 4 am. That’s not gonna translate to anything for you. There are some good promotion companies,ones that deal in major charts –ones that deal with the world not just the us or any other geographical area. After all we are all connected now. I’d advise the world, massive affordable exposure.  Musik Radio Promotions just happens to offer the largest network of 250,000 stations anywhere in the world.

I leave you with one last word, “The young kid said to his mother ‘when I grow up Mom I want to be a musician‘ Then his mother then said, “You can’t have both son.”

Grow up and go after your dream as a businessperson and make your dream come true.

Stephen Wrench

President, Musik and Film

Artist News

North Carolinas Country Artist, Canaan Cox, on to next level with Musik Radio Promotions

November 12, 2014
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Canaan Cox is a new and exciting country artist from Hendersonville, North Carolina. He not only writes g his own music, but is a phenomenal multi-instrumentalist.     Canaan released a new single, Summer, in the beginning of 2014 and has recently began a worldwide radio campaign with Musik Radio Promotions. The response has been phenomenal, being called “brilliant” by some! Canaan is now being played on BBC networks along with thousands of other stations.

Canaan spoke of his experience with the radio promotions service, “Musik and Film Records has taken my dreams to the next level with their radio promotion services. When looking into launching a radio campaign, I had several companies in mind. But from one phone call with Musik and Film, it was a no-brainer. They are 75% cheaper and 100% more honest than any other company I spoke with. The turn out has been beyond what I could have asked for and will continue to use their services with my next single. I can’t wait to launch another tune to see where they can take me. promoting our music.”.

Musik and Film is thrilled to be working with Canaan and asked him to share with our readers about himself:

What made you want to pursue a career in music?

I grew up all around music. My entire family plays one instrument or the other so I’ve always been around it. However, it wasn’t until college I considered pursuing it and that had to do with writing. I wrote a poem for a girl in high school and in my first year of college thought I would put it to music. So a friend of mine got together in the sic building with a cheap little microphone and garage band and demoed my first song…I was hooked. Writing is such a wonderful and creative outlet for me, so I began to write more and more. It’s not by surprise seeing as though my parents are also writers themselves.

Besides music, what are 3 of your favorite things?

I absolutely love going to the movies. I’m a huge movie nerd and will always have an excuse to catch a flick. I love anything that has to do with water, swimming, hiking, waterfalls, canoeing, anything outdoors. And I love love love me some chocolate milk. There’s has been too many times in my life where I’ll go out at 2am to the nearest gas station just to get a bottle of chocolate milk.

Do you play any instruments?

I grew up in the mountains of NC so bluegrass and country music was the thing to play. I picked up the mandolin when I was 9, learning by ear, playing to Nickel Creeks first album. It wasn’t until middle school I picked up the fiddle and guitar. I also play piano, but just enough to write a song with.

How would you describe your music?

Vocally, I always get compared to Rascal Flatts, which to me, is a huge compliment because they were a huge part of my CD collection growing up. However, having 7 sisters, I had my share of the 90s boy bands, mom cranked Lynyrd Skynyrd, and my dads favorite artist was Conway Twitty, so when it comes to music and lyrics, I have a lot of influences to pull from that incorporate into my music.

What are your goals where do you want to take your music?

I could say that I want to go wherever the music takes me, or I just want to be happy, but the thing is… I love performing my music. And until my face is on the side of a tour bus, Madison square garden sales out in under 2 minutes, and I get to play in front of hundreds of thousands of fans, I won’t be happy. However, it’s not for the money and the fame, but to be remembered. And being remembered for bringing great music to the world and sharing my God given talents, that’ll be fine by me.


Artist News

South African Symphonic Rock Band, Crimson Chrysalis, Sends Shock Waves with Musik Radio Promotions

November 6, 2014
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South African Symphonic Rock Band, Crimson Chrysalis, Sends Shock Waves with Musik Radio Promotions campaign on a global scale.

Crimson Chrysalis has been cited as being “one of the most brilliant surprises of the year” by Terry Thompson of Sonic Cathedral.   “The release sent shock waves through the Femme Metal community, music to please, thoughts that go beyond the pale.  There’s so much to learn from Africa.”

Rene Van Den Berg of Crimson Chrysalis, set aside some time to share a little about the band and give some great advice:

Personally I think an entertainer’s main focus/forte is pleasing the crowd, while a true artist wants to do what is good for his/her soul, regardless of whether it is the commercial or popular route, or the road less travelled. Some artists are both (without trying to be), and in my opinion that is when they break through the boundaries of time, genre, & trends and touches people’s hearts – because it is true, honest & authentic.

Besides music I love gymming/exercising (I am a total exercise junkie), spending time with good friends, and enjoying some good food – my favourites are lamb or chicken curry, salmon & sushi. Oh and shopping. . .I love shopping! (What woman don’t?) 

If I have to describe our music it would probably be Neo-classical rock/Neo-symphonic rock. I think what makes us unique, also makes us difficult to categorise or label. There are so many influences, and we never tried to fit into a specific genre. We just write and create what feels, and sounds good to us.
 I play both guitar and piano. I have formal training in both, but stopped paying the piano when I was still in primary school. So I am very rusted, and wont play on stage. I compose on both instruments though, piano and guitar. The song normally decides for itself – Es (my co-creator/lyricist) of CC always says, a good song writes itself. Some songs are by nature more guitar based, and some piano based. When I look at the lyric and feel it, I’ll decide where I hear this going and then compose on the one, or the other. Sometimes I would initially start on the one, but for some reason it just doesn’t ring true. The moment I change the instrument I’m composing on, the problem normally solves itself.
If I had a chance for the world to hear one song, I would probably say “Crimson passion cry” on the first album, and “Sacred vow” on the upcoming one. I always wanted to make music that touches people’s hearts, and I think those 2 have the best chance of doing exactly that.
 What made me wanna pursue a career in music? Insanity?! Ha-ha! I think any true artist will tell you that it is in their blood – the thing that makes them tic and come alive. It is a long and difficult road, but somehow I cannot imagine my life without it. Having the opportunity to take my passion globally is just bloody awesome!
What I would tell any young artist or musician? I don’t wanna say to them Don’t give up or hang in there, cause if it is truly in your blood, and what you were born to do, you won’t! What I will say is this: do your home work well. Know the audience and genre you are targeting, and know what and who you’re up against. Find your forte, the thing that separates you from the rest, and makes you unique. Otherwise you’ll just be an imitation, or second hand version of somebody else. You must have a clear cut idea of where you’re going, otherwise you will just confuse an audience. You cannot go somewhere purposefully if you don’t have a map and didn’t plan. If you don’t have a destination, you are just drifting, no matter how talented you are. Lastly, surround yourself with skill, success and experience – you cannot do this alone – not if you are serious about it!
Crimson Chrysalis is currently one of a few artists under the Musik and Film Management Team.  The first single currently out to Musik and Film radio promotions campaign has set a few records with plays around the world.  The Musik and Film team recently picked up a publishing deal  for Crimson Chrysalis and look forward to many years of working with this unique band , blazing new trails in symphonic band.




Artist News

Singer Songwriter Max Lisa hits Top USA Chart with My Baby

November 1, 2014
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 Max Lisa is a singer/ songwriter/guitarist whose music mixes elements from rock, pop and country. He has been hitting the USA charts since the beginning, getting his music heard and gaining fans all over the world teaming up with Musik Radio Promotions.  Max has promoted several songs through Musik and Film including ‘Walking Dead’ and currently, ‘My Baby’.

Musik and Film is loving the reactions of fans and asked Max to share some of this personal thoughts about life and career:

What do you think distinguishes a true music artist from an entertainer?

An entertainer gives pleasure. An artist lead to transformations and can even influence your life!


What do you want to always be remembered for?

I would like to write some albums people will listen for decades and will remember me for those. In this way I could virtually live… forever!


Besides music, what are 3 of your favorite things?

Sailing in open waters, flying airplanes (I’ve an FAA pilot license) and travelling in remote areas. I love wild nature.


 Do you play any instruments? 

I do play guitar since I was 12. I play also some piano.


How would you describe your music?

A blend between rock, country and pop with attention to melody.


When did you realize that you wanted a career in music and what prompted that decision?

I was playing Let it Be at a party, When I started to play the guitar solo the audience started to clap so loud that I felt a “new” sensation and I told to myself: I want to feel this more and more and more…

Thanks for sharing the heart of an indie artist Max!


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