Stephen Wrench

Artist News

Dear Artists Seeking Record Deals

August 27, 2015
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Dear Artists Seeking Record Deals,

When’s the last time you bought a record? Do you see any record stores still open in your town? And you’re looking for what? A Record Deal? There aren’t any more record deals because no one buys records anymore. I wish I had $ .007 cents for every time I have been asked “how do I get a record deal” I’d be rich just like the record labels are lately. Gold records now count streams as sales. Want a Gold record all you need is 500,000 streams that pay $.007 cents each. That means if you went Gold the record label made a whomping $3500.00 after they invested 100 grand or so into your career. Wow, isn’t THAT an incentive for a label to sign an artist and invest in them.

I was recently told, by a very good artist, ”I’m moving to Nashville so I can be discovered”. Who’s gonna discover her? The only thing that she is gonna discover is they are not interested and that there are no more record deals that develop artists. If she is going to have any career in music she is gonna have to do it herself, because a record label is not.

Artists do you know the history of how the major labels squashed you from being heard and making any money? Nah, you probably don’t. Well back in the days when digital first came out, the majors laughed at it because it was only a minute piece of the market. They said it would never catch on. Then they spent years fighting digital to no avail.

Then one day a light bulb went off in some record execs head. “Hey lets allow streaming of our artists!” So the first deal was made with Spotify, and the major labels took multi-million dollar advances to let them stream their catalog plus a large % of their advertising dollars. None of this was ever shared with the artists. Oh yeah, every year the majors take millions in advances from streaming companies allowing them to stream their catalog of music. This is how the major labels are staying in business. None of these advances or ad dollars are shared with the artists.

Did they ever ask you the artist if you wanted to be streamed? Did they ever give you the artist a piece of that multimillion dollar advance? Nah.

And you want what a Record Deal? How can a label give you a record deal when there are no more record sales. Why does everyone want what they can’t have? Record Deals, in the context the artists think of where they sign you because you have great songs and mega talent don’t, exist anymore there is no label out there that’s gonna rescue you and make you a star.

Want to be famous, travel and tour the world and perform. Then invest in yourself because there is no record label on the planet that will. Again, when’s the last time you bought a record? Do you see any record stores still open in your town? And you’re looking for what? A Record Deal? Want a career in music? Then wake up! You can have one, but only if you realize that you are the only one that’s gonna make it happen, and that it can happen. Stay tuned, the next article will tell you how.

By Stephen Wrench President

Artist News

Musik and Film CEO Stephen Wrench Guest Blogs on IOTM

August 17, 2015
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Musik and Film Records CEO Stephen Wrench was just featured as a Guest Blogger on the popular Indie Artist website, Indie On The Move! Be sure to check out Stephen’s article about obtaining record label deals in this day and age as an independent artist, treating your music as a business, and making your own path.

Musik and Film Records offers a plethora of tools for the indie artist to use to get their music heard. The Musik Radio Promotions team promotes to over 250,000 in over 180 countries, coupling that with 40 years of industry experience, and a full studio setup for the artist to utilize, Musik and Film Records is prepared to help you step up your musical career. Check out Musik and Film Record’s website here for more information on how we empower the artist.

Artist News

Does Sony or Apple give their products away free?

October 20, 2014
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It was a cold dark rainy night when a fleet of tractor trailers backed up to Sony’s and Apple’s warehouse and loaded up every computer. Then they put up a big ad everywhere that read – free computers – Sony and Apple were enraged. They demanded justice. Their warehouses had been robbed of it’s entire inventory.

Once upon a time, Sony and Apple and every other company on earth that offer digital streaming thought it would be a wonderful idea to break into every musician’s warehouse, load up all their music that had costs the musicians thousands of dollars to create, then put up a big sign and gave all the musicians inventory away.

Now ask yourself – what is the difference – giving away free computers or free music?  It is still an end product that has cost money to create that was stolen.

I have been in this business for over 3 decades and thought I have seen it all but I guess not. I have been in the music business most of my life. I was with a major label in the 80’s. I still am a writing and performing musician.

I got into digital distribution at its inception well over a decade ago. At first, no one paid any attention to digital music. Everyone wanted a cd. But after a few years into digital, it became a viable source of income for Indie artists.

For years I had a good digital income along with many other artists. I know many who made a good living off their digital sales. People hear an artists music on radio or it was promoted and bought a download.  No one ever asked my permission to allow my music to be streamed and given away. Or if I wanted to be paid $.000023 cents a listen. So what gave any of the services the right to stream my or anyone else’s music? I agreed to be digitally distributed and for my music to be sold – not to be streamed for free. Harvard Law calls streaming, “piracy”,  and it is just that.

How would Apple or Sony like it if someone other than them decided to give away free computers? They would scream like Banshees. It cost them money to manufacture those computers. Well it costs musician’s money to record their music. Then they try to sell us this misconception,  “Look at the exposure for your music”. The same applies to them give a few thousand computers away and “Look at the product exposure”.

I had heard rumors that the majors said that they welcomed streaming because it leveled the playing field for them. That indie artists were becoming a threat. Who gets the minute airplay royalties? Not the artists. Who’s making money? Not the artists.

What’s going to happen is no one will pay to record their music because it is just stolen from them anyhow. Then there will be no more new music. All because of greed and control. Once again the Indie artist is squashed making the poor musician poorer.

We must all band together as indie artists -together – we can make a difference.


Stephen Wrench


Artist News

How Do You As An Indie Artist Make A Good Living From Your Music

April 7, 2014
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Do you have a million dollars? Most likely the answer is “no”. Are you trying to make it on mainstream US radio and promote to mediabase stations and hit the top 40? If you don’t have a million dollars to invest then you’re wasting your time. But you can make a good living from your music.

By wanting to make a living out of your music you have decided to go into business for yourself. That’s right, you have now attached the word business to your music. Any smart business person will have a business plan.

STEP ONE:    First thing you need is a good song. One that everyone can relate to and has a memorable  melody and a good hook line.

STEP TWO:   A good recording and production is everything. Radio compresses the file and if you record  it on a computer at home, that 24 bit is now 16 bit and after radio compresses it, it’s 6 to 8 bit. Do yourself a favor- go to a professional recording studio with a track record. Record on great equipment and use a skilled engineer / producer to help mix and master.

STEP THREE:  Distribution. We are not a fan of digital distribution. We used to be before deals were made to stream music practically for free. It costs you money to create it- why give it away for free? As an alternative,  manufacture cd’s and vinyl with some great artwork. Place them on your website for sale and sell them at your performances.

STEP FOUR:   All business has to advertise or no one would know they exist and would not have any business. The same goes for you being an artist. You may have the best music in the world, but unless you advertise no one will know you exist. In this case your advertising budget includes going to radio, which is still the most viable way to get heard and to be able to tour. Hopefully you will do your investigation and choose a good radio promoter. One that goes to FM stations in all markets all over the world – not just a few stations in the US. It’s a big world out there.  This is your best chance with a limited budget to make the most of your advertising dollars. We say, FM stations, because these stations always have venues that advertise with them.

STEP FIVE:   Once your radio promotion has began, you contact the stations that are playing you and thank them. You offer them radio liners, radio interviews and most importantly, offer to send them a dozen promo give- away cds. Radio likes to offer their listening audience give- aways. To give your cds away, they play you more, mention who you are more and increase your exposure. Once you have done this you are that radio stations friend. So ask the stations that are playing you who their advertising venues are. Get their contact information. Call, email those venues. Tell them you are playing on xyz radio station in their town and want to come to their town to perform. Let the radio stations know you are going to do this and they will back you because if the venue hires you the venue will hire them to advertise the performance. This will get you even more exposure on that radio station. Radio will love you because they got the venues advertising dollars because of you. You get a performance date that is well advertised and a radio station that is playing your music and supporting you. Most likely when you go to perform you will have a full house of people who came to see you. You will sell merchandise, gain fans and if you do a good performance be asked to come back again. Everyone wins.

Odds are  you will not become a superstar overnight but it will build your business. It will most likely take 3 or 4 single releases. It is a lot of hard work, but it gives you the possibility of building  a business off which you can make a comfortable living.


Artist News

Musik and Film Records Announce Management Division

January 3, 2014
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Stephen Wrench, President, Musik and Film Records, announces the opening of a management division. Wrench, who has been involved in the music industry in most every capacity and once an executive with RCA records, understands the needs of the indie artist in the industry climate of today.

The Musik and Film Management Division is a platform for serious independent artists to make their mark throughout the world. With 40+ years in the industry, the Musik and Film team has the track record and the contacts to help you record and produce your music, get you worldwide airplay and promotion and tour the world.

A few of the artists the Musik and Film team has worked with include:

Ozzy Osbourne, Missing Persons, Hank Williams Jr., Lynyrd Skynryd, (Marilyn Manson)John 5 , Travis Tritt , Ian Ashbury and the Cult , Tommy Tutone , Axl Rose , Slash, Nikki Sixx (motley crue)

Musik and Film acts as a multi-faceted partner to its artists, identifying their creative and conceptual goals and cultivating the artist’s vision and raw talent to make them a viable musical entity.



TO APPLY: Send the links to current music along with a description of goals.

Contact email:

If accepted, the artist will receive an evaluation and a personalized plan of the steps involved to achieve your goals.



Press Release

Skye explodes on world radio with ‘Lions Heart’

October 22, 2013
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Musik Radio Promotions has just released the single ‘Lion’s Heart’ , by Musik and Film Records artist,  Skye, in a worldwide campaign. It was immediately picked up for airplay by BBC2 and hundreds of stations around the world.

‘Lions Heart’ is the first song  to begin a series of collaborations between Skye and Stephen Wrench.   Earlier this year, Skye signed a development and promotions deal with Stephen Wrench and Musik and Film Records.

Wrench  has been in the music business for over 40 years as singer/songwriter, producer and  record company executive for a major label .Wrench says of  Skye, “I  have worked with some major artists over the years. Every once in a great while you come across an artist with a unique, distinctive voice; one with a quality that makes you want to listen to them sing. Skye is just that kind of a artist. Her voice has a softness that draws you in as she sings from the soul.”
Wrench, who is now President of Musik and Film Records, has taken on Skye as a “pet” project. Wrench had been searching for that one special artist with the potential to produce hit songs. Not only does Skye have a unique voice, but she  has a unique way of crafting a song. As they write together, the combination of the two  is the perfect recipe for this blend of melodic music , unique lyrics and alluring vocals.
Stay tuned for much more to come!



Artist News Press Release

Testimonial of the week!

September 15, 2013
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Rhett May on working with Musik and Film Production Team:


“I feel I built a rapport with Stephen from day one….very easy going and likeable guy…and nothing was too hard…we shared some stories that are insane and I guess we come from a similar background in music…a similar era…the classic rock ’When the van is rockin’ don’t come knockin’ era…and the influences very much gel.

Their interpretations and ideas did surprise me at times…but I listened and absorbed and came away with a sense of excitement that Stephen and Terry….. that someone like Musik and Film were actually interested enough to take the time in listening to my songs, tearing them apart…positively…and then helping me put them back together in ways that I hadn’t considered.

I think that they’ve taught me a number of things…and I’m grateful …I’m always learning and will certainly incorporate some of their fundamentals moving forward.

I love the rawness and the naturalness they’ve brought out particularly on the second track “Insatiable”. It’s emotive and raw and passionate…”forget trying to make your voice sound good…just let your emotions run”…so said Stephen…..let it blend with the exciting acoustic guitars.”   Rhett May


Artist News Press Release

Bairu, International Woman of Mystery, Dares to Ask the Question “How Could You”?

July 26, 2013
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She’s no Sherlock Holmes OR even a cheap, Austin Powers knockoff, but in reality Bairu is a young, up-and-coming artist with plenty of worldly appeal.  Bairu’s debut single “How could you” will be submitted to 150,000+ radio stations globally by  Musik Radio Promotions.  Sky’s the limit for the highly talented Bairu!

Thanks in large part to her parents, Bairu was able to travel abroad to places like Europe and Asia while also soaking in all the fine cultures that this United States has to offer.  Her multicultural roots helped shape Bairu into the artist and person she is today.  Not to mention, Bairu is not just fluent in English but also Mandarin Chinese.  She prides herself in being a quality singer and a fine songwriter but Bairu also writes her own material, composes music and even dabbles in the area of co-producing.  So, diverse is her middle name and multidimensional is the name of her game!

Surrounded by music since she was a kid, Bairu can proudly say that she is hitting all the right notes today.  With the new single “How could you”, the California native invites you to a world full of heartfelt emotions that will cut right through you.  The song centers around a loving relationship that can never be and so the ironic tale will come to life right before your ears.  Bairu exhibits passionate vocals on the track while proving to have an incredibly delicate touch when it comes to singing.  The lyrics are personal to the point where “How could you” will satisfy the appetites of many and quench the thirst of loyal listeners everywhere.  The international recording artist brings world music to the forefront by drawing you in through romance and a melody to die for.

The 20-year-old musician is proud to announce that her YouTube account—BAIRUSTAR—has already received over 1,300,000 views while her Facebook page has over 116,000 fans from all over the globe!  Bairu is definitely experiencing success in the early stages of her career, so “How could you” NOT  get excited about the future of this young artist?  Just as Jack Handey supplied his “Deep Thoughts” on “SNL”, Bairu is digging deep to give you grounded & delicious fruits of her labor.  Bairu speaks from the heart, “There is nothing like good music to break down the artificial borders of this planet.  Music is very spiritual; it has the power to bring people together.”  Bairu has the power along with the proven success system behind her at Musik and Film and it’s no mystery at all that she is heading in the right direction.

By 2J Rae

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