Musik Radio Promotions

Artist News

Major Artists Continue to Express Distaste for Major Labels

September 22, 2015
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Win Butler, front man of Arcade Fire, was recently interviewed by The Independent and he had some things to say about the state of the major label music industry today, and those responsible for it.

In an effort to  help find ways to change the music industry for the better, Arcade Fire became involved with the launch of Jay Z’s Tidal streaming service. The service itself has mostly failed to take off due to mishandling that Butler claims are due to the major labels themselves. He states:

“The major label music industry has completely ruined every aspect of their business. At every step of the way they’ve had the tools offered to them to create an industry that works, and they’ve completely blown it. That’s why we never had any interest in signing a contract with one of these companies because they’re clearly completely clueless.” 

Arcade Fire is an excellent example of independent artists who have put in the the time, the talent, and the focus to treat themselves like a business and work their way to the top. Founded in 2001, Arcade Fire formed as an indie Canadian band between two classmates and went on to release their debut album “Funeral” in 2004, a little over a decade later they are one of the biggest indie bands in the world all due to handwork and perseverance.

Arcade Fire is able to see the forest for the trees, and they are trying to help save the forest that is the music industry. They can tell that the Majors are grasping at straws trying to keep the industry afloat and they’re so far entirely unsuccessful. Musik and Film Records has been ahead of the Majors for years, empowering the indie artist with the tools they need to take their music to the next level! If you want YOUR music heard around the world on over 250,000 stations? Then contact the Musik Radio Promotions team today to start YOUR promotional campaign!!!

Artist News

Josef Haid chronicled in Tracks Magazine!

September 15, 2015
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Musik Radio Promotions artist, Josef Haid, was recently publicized in Tracks Magazine’s 2015 issue. Tracks is a german magazine publication highlighting music of several different genres! Josef Haid & His Band are found on page 44! Here is the english translation, and the original link is found here! Congrats to Josef Haid for the great press!

Josef Haid & Band
“Dreams come true“
“Following two (not publicly available) CDs with covers of „Wonderful tonight“, “Still got the blues“, Johnny B. Goode“ Josef Haid presents his new album “Dreams come true”… with 12 songs of laid back Pop & Rock songs with a bi of Blues. What you hear is a bit of Chris Rea (without his scratchy voice), Eric Clapton and Gary Moore arranged with catchy Sax, Guitar leads and some Hammond Organ Sounds. Overall „Dreams come true“ presents pleasing music with highlights (Giving more of my love, No way out, Trust again) and reading worth lyrics about the unevenness of life”. 
Artist News

Tod Hughes is making his music dreams come true, the RIGHT way!

September 15, 2015
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Musik Radio Promotions artist, Tod Hughes, was recently featured in a Canadian RV publication “RV Times”, authored by Katrina Boguski! It’s a wonderful read about rekindling your musical dreams, even after taking time off to nurture a career in another profession, treating your music like a business, and reaching out to less commonly thought of demographics! It’s a great testament to Tod’s business-like mind-set towards achieving his music goals, and what good management can help you achieve! It speaks to everything we stand for at Musik and Film Records, empowering the artist! The original post can be found in the online edition of RV times, click here for the link! (The story is on page 24). Enjoy the article below!

Music festivals around North America are frequent destinations for RVers. While many people carefully consider their routes to such performances, few stop to consider the paths which musicians have taken to get there.

For most musicians, the road to the top is a steep uphill climb; the journey, more often than not, is one that young musicians abandon easily to deal with life’s more practical considerations. Once the dream has been abandoned, it is rare to see people pick it up again. One Canadian musician who bucks that trend is Tod Hughes. He’s been playing music for over 35 years, starting with guitar, then music theory, harmonica and songwriting. After a successful career in real estate, Tod is now rekindling the dream to succeed in music. By all accounts, his destination is within reach. He is an energetic performer who captivates his audiences. He brings with him a strong skill set he picked up from the business world. Hughes notes, “Organizing a band, promoting, recording and gigging is basically a business. Even if you are not doing it strictly for money, it is a business.” Tod Hughes is one of a few dozen musicians working with Mark Rosner of Rosner Management Services (RMS) ( The musicians range in age from their pre-teens to their 50’s. While young musicians may be full of vim and vigor, they need to be equipped with the life skills and business skills to build their vision. A large part of being successful in the music industry has to do with being successful in business. Hughes says, “Many musicians don’t realize this and don’t excel at business or feel like a sell-out if they take a business-like approach, but it just makes sense.”

Just as a successful road trip often involves selecting the right travel companions, so too the road to success in music is best traveled with a supportive team. On this point Hughes advises that, “You want to be efficient, surround yourself with competent, reliable people, put out a great product at a reasonable cost, make a return on your investment and most of all put out a product (the music) that the market, (your fans), love!” While most musicians under the leadership of RMS don’t have the same business savvy as Hughes, they are not without support. Mark Rosner says, “[RMS develops] ALL aspects of emerging artists and helps them navigate a business that has typically no blueprint.” With the right support, vision, and direction, success happens progressively and safely.

Tod Hughes acknowledges working with Rosner Management Services has been a good fit. Of Rosner’s specific insight into the music industry Tod says, “Mark is knowledgeable about music as a business. That is something I don’t have a lot of experience with, so it is very helpful. Also, meeting other like-minded artists is awesome. Mark brings a creative approach to the business side of music and his enthusiasm and encouragement on the artistic side are really motivating.”

It’s not all about the numbers though. Hughes says focusing on music has taught him “that art is relevant, important.” He adds “…businesses need to think of an investment in the arts as well as investing in their own bottom line.” He encourages businesses to remember that the arts are important and need support too. Rosner sees the strong collaboration between business and the arts as a union that benefits a large number of people. He also sees ongoing partnerships with music and business as one of the driving forces reshaping the music industry. Musicians receive support and financial backing from companies, companies gain brand awareness, and sales by getting their product message out to the loyal fans. Those fans are also sometimes rewarded by insider deals and perks reserved exclusively for them. Rosner has been successful in attracting sponsorship partners through his other company Artist Deals, ( Sierrasil, a local BC company owned and operated by Michael Bentley, was an early adopter of the idea of partnering their brand with emerging musicians. Every time purchasers enter the promo code “TodHughesProject” on www. Sierrasil supports the arts, and fans receive a discount. It’s a simple concept that rewards everyone.

Rosner says of the Sierrasil team: “They are great people from top to bottom and great supporters of developing artists in Canada.” As artists gain awareness of the need to apply sound business tactics, businesses like Sierrasil see the collaboration with artists as an opportunity to market their product in a way that emphasizes the human quality of business. In the end, business is not just about a company name or brand, it is also about transactions made by people. If you expect people to do business with you, you better understand people. Musicians tend to be very gifted at understanding and appreciating people, especially their fans. Hughes goes so far as to say that “…for me, music connects my spirit with a higher power, and transcends thoughts and ideas to a more spiritual plane.”

For a company like Sierrasil, whose vision is to help one million or more people live healthier and more active lives, connecting with the whole person is important; music is one of the best vehicles to make that connection. Sierrasil offers relief for joint pain, and as someone who uses it regularly, Rosner saw it as a product that would benefit many people.

When asked about the biggest challenges of being a more mature musician, Hughes replied, “There is a perception in certain genres that music is a young person’s game (ironic, given the age of the highest grossing tour performers!)…in some way you are fighting that perception and some would say you are striving, while others say you are motivating!” He advises: “Having the right attitude is very important at all ages, but especially as a mature musician. Know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Health and fitness are also important to have the energy needed to perform at a high level.”

When he was asked about his music goals Hughes replied, “My goals are simply to make great original music, share it with as many people as possible and to play at interesting and fun venues!” Perhaps one of these venues will be a festival you attend in your RV. If so, be sure to get a front row seat to take in this engaging performer. For more details on Tod Hughes, check out: or todhughesproject .

Do you attend music festivals in your RV? If so, which ones are your favourites and offer the best amenities for RVers? Have your RV travels introduced you to emerging musicians, known in their corner of the world, but as yet undiscovered in other parts? If so, please keep the conversation going and share any comments about your RV music destinations at katrinaboguski@ .


To succeed in ANY vocation, one needs to understand how the industry works, and when you don’t understand how something works, enlist the help of those who do understand. Tod has done just that. He partnered with Musik Radio Promotions to release his music world-wide! Do YOU want YOUR music to be heard on over 250,000 around the world? Then contact the Musik Radio Promotions Team today and get YOUR music heard!!


Artist News

Mark Ruebery. One Night Once Chance Release Show Video Drops!!!

September 14, 2015
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Musik Radio Promotions artist, Mark Ruebery, released his new album “One Night, One Chance” earlier this year! Well, he recently posted a video  highlight reel from the show that night, featuring clips from all the tracks! Be sure not to miss these great highlights! Found here.  Mark has been WELL accepted on radio around the world, thanks to Musik Radio Promotions for helping to accomplish that! If YOU want to get your music heard worldwide, then contact Musik Radio Promotions today!!

Artist News

President, Musik and Film Records, Stephen Wrench on radio Thursday Night!

September 7, 2015
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Musik and Film Records President, Stephen Wrench will be taking to the airwaves, joining It Matters! Radio on Thursday night at 9PM Eastern Time! He will be discussing his music as well as the state of the music industry today! This is a radio broadcast you won’t want to miss! Here is the link to the live broadcast: We will see you all there!!!

Artist News

Musik and Film CEO Stephen Wrench Guest Blogs on IOTM

August 17, 2015
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Musik and Film Records CEO Stephen Wrench was just featured as a Guest Blogger on the popular Indie Artist website, Indie On The Move! Be sure to check out Stephen’s article about obtaining record label deals in this day and age as an independent artist, treating your music as a business, and making your own path.

Musik and Film Records offers a plethora of tools for the indie artist to use to get their music heard. The Musik Radio Promotions team promotes to over 250,000 in over 180 countries, coupling that with 40 years of industry experience, and a full studio setup for the artist to utilize, Musik and Film Records is prepared to help you step up your musical career. Check out Musik and Film Record’s website here for more information on how we empower the artist.

Artist News

A Review for Crimson Chrysalis latest album Enraptured

August 17, 2015
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Earlier this year Musik and Film Records signed south african symphonic rock band Crimson Chrysalis, and released their sophomore album “Enraptured” to the world. It has been garnering reviews and fans around the world since. Below is a recent review from on the album itself, check it out:


Soaring symphonic rock with a baroque atmosphere and metal stylings is the order of the day from South Africa’s Crimson Chrysalis. Fronted by the climactic, powerhouse vocals of Rene van den Berg; the music ranges from sweeping operatic passages with heavy guitar riffs and orchestral arrangements holding court from a lofty position in the sky. If Lacuna Coil would have kept their original classical style mixed with metal (minus the growled male vocals), then they might have ended up in this ballpark, which isn’t a bad place to be.

On Enraptured, the project radiates a worldly power that transcends genre for something truly special. An Evanescence clone this isn’t. “Soul Stalker” opens up hard with pounding keyboards, a rumbling bass presence, thundering drums and metal guitars dancing in tandem with the somber synth melodies. At the center of the tempest Rene stands strong carrying the lyrics to incredibly hi plateaus. The waltzing “Surrender” trades tasteful, rock oriented lead guitar shots with gloriously conducted strings. An ethereal, mid-tempo crunch runs throughout much of “Elegy” and its engaging vocal duets.

“Sacred Vows” opens with a piano sonata, slowly building up to the introduction of strings and eventually delivering a fully bombastic barrage of melodic, harmony-minded guitar riffs at a grand scale. The vocals absolutely captivate from the first note to the last. It seems like “Infinity” is conjured from a darker place with singing adopting a gritty, smoky baritone amongst cycling, marching arrangements that are as loud as they are pretty. The straight heavy metal mania of “Burning Fire with Fire” has an intense, pulsing rhythm attack on hand, featuring some of the most aggressive drumming and bass on the album. In terms of its guitar riffs, this is a track that will get the feet stomping and the head-banging.

Acoustic guitar is a focal point of “Enlightenment.” Electric instrumentation is softly added during the track’s procession but for the most part this song remains a true to the heart ballad that fans of Blackmore’s Night would probably enjoy. Things get almost Metallica hard on the crunching, forward driving groove of “Fear.” Flute is added to the equation on the folksy dreamworld conjured up by “The Raven.” When you least expect it, the song practically catapults itself in your direction like a runaway wrecking ball intent on destruction. Closing couplet “Virgin Death” and “Grace” piles on the classical music goodness and could both be part of the soundtrack to the greatest romance movie ever made.

Crimson Chrysalis plays genuine music straight from the soul with the ability to appeal to fans of many different genres. The entire effect is like going to see a huge musical production conducted by a maestro. Rock, folk, metal, world, classical and opera are combed on Enraptured to create an album that really doesn’t sound a lot like anyone else out there. When you top if it off with the jaw-dropping vocal talents of Rene van den Berg; there is no denying the greatness. In a musical climate dominated by “formula” and “cookie cutter” pop, Crimson Chrysalis stands high above the pack.


If you want YOUR music heard around the world, be sure to contact the Musik Radio Promotions team about our radio promotions packages, you can find more information on that by clicking here.

Artist News

Reviews and Interviews for Ajay Mathurs album 9 to 3

August 11, 2015
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Ajay Mathur released his latest album “9 to 3” earlier this year, and he has been burning up the charts, currently in the top 10 in the charts in the US. He’s been getting great reviews on “9 to 3” and Musik and Film is here to share 2 of his latest reviews, and a recent interview in Under The Gun Review! Ajay’s music is playing on radio stations all around the world, if YOU want YOUR music heard around the world too…then click here to find out more details!

“Music may not change the world or a system, but it does help to make us dream, give us hope, make us feel strong and even loved.” – Interview by Brian Leak


“This is a very unique album, with a feel of how albums used to be, full of surprises and risks that take you on a trip and engage your mind as well as your ears.” – Rick Ecker 


“Filled with clear and concise originality and individualism partnered with great wisdom and talent, this album is a winner.” releases-9-to-3-with-top-reviews/



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