Musik Radio Promotions


California’s Country Singer/Songwriter, Amy Gass, goes global with Musik Radio Promotions

April 15, 2013
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Amy Gass is a serious artist, willing to work hard to make her dreams a reality.  Says Amy, “Every moment, good or bad, is another opportunity to reach out and connect with the audience.

Amy has taken a step further to make her dreams a reality, signing with Musik Radio to promote her music in 60 countries to over 50,000 stations worldwide.

Her latest CD album shows off Amy’s talent as an exceptional singer and song writer.  Eight out of the ten songs were co-written by Amy, and you will enjoy her style and sound in these heart felt songs.  You can almost taste the intensity of “Never Knew”, and hear the determination of will in the song, “Strong”.

Manuel De Haro, producer and owner of Acceso Productions says, “I have to say Amy’s voice and talent is one of the most unique I have heard, and her passion and dedication for music are always inspiring.  I am always blown away by her impressive voice”

A favorite on her my space page is the rockin’ “When Good Girls Love bad Boys”. Then the adolescent pureness of the song, “My Best Friend” takes you back to childhood and dreaming that anything is possible. The crown jewel of the album is the heart wrenching duet, “When We’re Cheating On Each Other”. It reminds one of George Jones and Tammy Wynette.

  Amy  remarks, “Thanks to Stephen and his whole team, I am now being played in the UK, USA, Netherlands and all over Europe. I really appreciate Musik and Film’s support of my music and very impressed by the results I am getting now. For any artist who has been struggling with a dream and would love to be heard among the many, this is the right home for you. Again, thank you Stephen and your whole gang, I look forward to the future and the success to come!

Amy is now being played on over 3000 stations including the BBC Network, Australia, NZ, and Japan and is listed on the Musik Radio Wall of Success. 










Artist News Uncategorized

Power Rock Group, ONE, powers up with Musik Radio Promotions

April 11, 2013
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Proclaimed as “the next Nickelback from Quebec”  by ETalk Daily  (CTV), power rock group, ONE,  has teamed up with Musik Radio Promotions to gain international exposure.

After the success of their Sophomore release “Dirty Valentine”. The ONE boys felt incredibly inspired to begin working on a new album. Having spent the better part of the last 3 years touring, there was a lot of excitement about getting back into writing mode.

In the music business today, albums can sound generic and too polished. Something that ONE tries to avoid. “The bands and albums that inspire us to be musicians are the old school Led Zeppelin, Ramones and Motley Crue records. Nowadays everything is sampled and over compressed for radio, the soul of the songs at
times seems to be lacking,” says guitarist Staniforth who also co-produced the last album with guitarist, Jardine.

The new album “Worlds Collide” speaks of struggles and success stories of today’s reality. A groovy, rock your face off album that has a little something for everyone. “It even has a song that if you turned the heavy guitars back could be considered country,” says Rossi.

“With so much going on in the World, you can’t help but write about it. It is all about staying positive and staying the course,” adds Staniforth.

Signing a global radio promotions deal with Musik Radio Promotions, seemed to be the next logical step on the course to getting a positive message out to the world. With the first single promotion of, “Queen of Rock n’ Roll”, One,  has begun to build a global fan base and are on the Musik Radio Wall of Success,   having gotten airplay on over 1,000 stations worldwide.

With a new album comes a new chapter. A chapter that the band will write one show at a time.


Artist News Uncategorized

Hangin With Stogie – still hangin’ with Musik Radio Worldwide Promotions

April 3, 2013
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When Hangin With Stogie,  an all girl, country, pop band from Fredericksburg, Va, released an EP in April 2012, who would have dreamed a year later, they would  still be charting on radio worldwide. 

Musik Radio Promotions, a division of Musik and Film Inc, began a global radio campaign for airplay  in summer 2012. The band  is now on over 10,000 stations worldwide including the BBC network.

The idea for recording  ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ , as a cross of “The Turtles meets Dylan”  came about by Stephen Wrench, President, Musik and Film. The single continues to  chart in many countries in Europe on the ECMA(European country music Assoc).



Debbie Merkel Charts with Release of “How Do I Say Goodbye” to Worldwide Radio

March 30, 2013
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 Christian/Country recording artist Debbie Merkel first came to  Musik and Film Records with release of “On Heaven’s Wings”,  in 2012.  

Debbie is now back with release of 2 singles on “How Do I Say Goodbye” released worldwide by Musik Radio Promotions.

 Merkel says, “I write about things I know and experience… struggles, losing my mother, experiencing child abuse, and yet how God is at the root of it all and sustains us through all things.”  A delicate and true vocal caresses the gentle melodies and spirit filled lyrics of each track. Messages of hope, triumph, and inspiration welcome the listener and encourage communion. “I write about things others can relate to but share it on a spiritual level,” offers Merkel of the message of her music.

A Halloween song composed at the tender age of 8 and performed by her entire class at school was Debbie’s first light of understanding that her voice was God’s gift to be shared. Influenced by Amy Grant and Bette Midler she designs her music with notable honesty and feminine luminosity. After 911 Debbie had the honor of joining local celebrity artists in a television performance to raise funds for the recovery efforts of the horrific tragedy. “The television performance was a song I wrote called, ‘Together’ which is on the album and is about feeling alone but when we come together and celebrate Gods love, we can accomplish anything.”

With faith in God and hopes of “accomplishing anything” Debbie Merkel’s music stands to deliver a beautiful ray of light into the radio airwaves and offer listeners around the Globe messages of love, hope and inspiration. That is certainly coming true with her latest release, as Debbie’s latest release is being played on hundreds of stations and charting around the globe.

Musik and Film is proud to represent Debbie as her label and look forward to many successful future releases.




Artist News Uncategorized

Beating The Odds- How Indie Artists Are Winning the Battle for Effective Commercial Airplay

March 30, 2013
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Recently there was an article by a well-known indie artist’s site entitled, “Radio Promotion- Why You Won’t Get Commercial Airplay”.  There is nothing further from the truth.

Good News – outside the US, world radio plays what they consider is good music.

They don’t care “who” the label is and you can’t pay them to play what they consider bad music. They are attentive to their listening audience and play what the audience wants to hear.

The Not so good news -Every year thousands of Indie artists attempt to place their music on commercial radio in the US to find it is only a racket. It’s a closed system of secret handshakes, pay to play, and broken promises. The playlists on commercial radio stations are mostly dictated from a central corporate headquarters and the songs are picked based on what record companies are “paying” the most in favors, vacations, money, and other various “who knows”? (top forty anyone?)

However, radio is still the most effective way to expose an Indie artist’s music to the public.

In the past, it was a daunting, expensive process. For decades, a promotion company worked in a limited geographical area. The promoter sent out records, tapes, cds to about 200 or so radio programmers in a specific genre and geographical region. There are still old school radio promoters out there doing business the same way. Not very effective, nor does it reach a lot of stations or give the artist maximum exposure.

Radio Promotion in the 21st Century

Now there are tons of companies offering promotion to internet radio stations. Then there are some internet stations where a artist can pay for so many spins on that internet station. It is unlikely anyone will ever hear them since the only people who listen to these stations are artists who paid to have their music played. Most of the listeners are other artists waiting to hear their song played.

Then there are the promotion companies who for a fee allow you to place your music on their site advertising that they have X amount of radio stations. They say that their radio stations are going to go on their site and wade through millions of songs in the hopes they will pick yours to add to their playlist. Radio programmers do not have the time nor the inclination to spend their week wading thru releases to find your song.

So – How DO you get played on BBC, Sirrus, Clear Channels and other major reporting stations?

It’s a big planet we live on. These days with digital distribution and all the many sites on the internet you want the world to hear your music. Not just a limited geographical area. Yes, internet radio is global but mainstream radio is still the most reliable source for anyone to hear your music. Mainstream like the BBC, Sirrus, Clear Channels and other major reporting stations.

How do you get to them?

There are a few innovative companies out there that have stayed ahead of the curve and all the changes. What you as an artist wants is to be able to deliver your music directly into the hands of radio program directors. You want to be able to do this without having to send a cd . Without having to have radio programmers wade thru a million releases to have yours jump out at them.

You want to be heard and played.

So search for a company that delivers a high quality digital press kit to radio programmers that they can quickly stream and listen to. And if they like what they hear they can download it for airplay. Find a promoter who does this around the globe to tens of thousands of stations – one with developed relationships, measurable results, and references.

Indie Artists Are Getting Commercial Airplay – Now

The good news is outside the US world radio plays what they consider is good music. They don’t care who the label is and you can’t pay them to play what they consider bad music. They are attentive to their listening audience and play what the audience wants to hear. So if you are good as you think you are,  find one of these radio promoters who will deliver your music to the world without you taking out a second mortgage on your home.

We do exist.




Artist News Press Release

Country Artist Adrianna Freeman Signed To Musik And Film Records

September 21, 2012
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(UPDATE: May 17, 2013: Although, Adrianna left Musik and Film Records to head to Nashville,  Musik Radio Promotions successfully brought  ‘Either You Do or You Don’t’ to airplay on 100,000 + stations across the world with major aiplay in Europe. Singles off the CD have shown   up on various charts such as Roots and Cashbox, and consistently made the top 5.)

PONTE VEDRA, FL, September 16, 2012
Country Music PR News

Musik and Film Inc,  is proud to announce the exclusive signing of Adrianna Freeman to Musik and Film Records and Musik Radio Promotions.

Stephen I just want to thank you and Rhonda-I have worked for 11  years, playing second fiddle to everyone else. Being looked over and passed over for other artists. It feels so good to be with people who believe in me and my music. For so long I felt like it was just me, my family, a notebook , and some songs. I have been promised so many things by so many people in the music industry that I thought I would never be able to trust anyone else in this business again. BUT- I trust you and Ms. Rhonda! I am so thankful that God lead my family to you, I really can’t thank you guys enough for helping to renew my faith in this business once again. With God’s help- I am starting to really believe that we can go all the way!!!!” – Adrianna Freeman


Adrianna Freeman is a Country singer. Reared in the South on a plantation property passed down through her family’s three generations of farmers. Adrianna began sharing her song when she was just a little girl. All dolled up in her yellow dress, with matching ribbons in her hair and her best Sunday shoes she would sing on the back of her daddy’s flatbed truck at the local farmers markets where the family sold their latest crops. Her Grandfather and her father planted the love of Country music in her heart before she was born

As a teen, Adrianna worked overseas with the missionary organization Teen Mania. It was there that she realized the healing and joy her voice could bring to others. Inspired and determined she set out to make music in the big world of Nashville. The realities of the music industry are a harsh reckoning to even the most seasoned and accomplished professional.

With the tenacity and drive that only a true country heart can propel, Adrianna’s song would not be caged. After endless rejections, a first victory came through, winning the attention of Teddy Gentry of the super-group “ALABAMA”. In 2007, Teddy generously offered his talents as producer to Adrianna’s project.   In May of 2009, Adrianna was hand-picked by Mr. Gentry to be one of twelve artists for his “Teddy Gentry’s Best New Nashville”, a project sponsored by Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores.  However following this break,  her career stalled.

Finally in the summer of 2012, Adrianna met with Stephen Wrench, President of Musik and Film. Stephen was blown away by Adrianna’s voice. He recalls, “It gave me chills. Adrianna brought to my attention that there has never been a black female country artist. I seriously questioned why? Country music is country music. it only matters that when a listener hears your music does it move them? Adrianna has moved me and I know she will move anyone who hears her.”

Her Debut album, Either You Do or You Don’t has been released through Musik and Film Records. The single, “Will Not Be Your Tennessee” was released to radio by Musik and Film’s radio promotion division, Musik Radio Promotions  and is gaining traction fast! “Adrianna has received a great deal of attention from radio; especially in the UK, Europe and Australia.

Adrianna Freeman’s music speaks for itself. Her music makes it easy for Musik and Film to try and break her as the first female African American Country artist. With her soft Southern lilt, clear crystalline tone and sunny sweet delivery, Adrianna Freeman stands on the edge of the gilded cage, the door is open and she’s ready to fly!

Adrianna reflected that, “Ten and a half years ago my family and I embarked on a journey that has transcended across three generations. Before I was even thought of, my grandfather, Walter Freeman, dreamed about becoming a Country Music singer, and he passed his dream down to my father, Ed Freeman. My father passed the dream down to me, and I have been dreaming ever since.”

It’s time for Adrianna’s dream to come true!



Musik Radio Promotions is a major radio promotions company, 250,000 +stations with syndication+ – 95% FM radio in 180 countries , which is available to Indie artists and labels. Many artists have charted and being played all over the world by the BBC and many other affiliates



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