Tamika New Single!! Reason to Get Even
New Single!! Reason to Get Even by Tamika Produced by Stephen Wrench, Terry Nails, Jon Wilkes and Eric Charleton for Musik and Film Records!
Source: Uploaded by user via Musik and Film Records on Pinterest
Dustin Walker to be released on Musik and Film Records
Dustin signed a 3 yr exclusive contract for his forthcoming EP to be released over the next few months by Musik and Film Records.
Dustin is playing in Rick Springfield’s new movie, An Affair of the Heart. Rick says of Dustin, “I’m honored to be part of someone’s life like that”. We will be seeing a lot of Dustin!
Recent press has quoted “Dustin is a heart throb waiting to happen”.
Check out the Official Trailer for “An Affair of the Heart“. Dustin is introduced at 1:59!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lDhtW4RUA0?version=3&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=560&h=315]
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Grammy Award Winning – The Flamingos Starring Terry Johnson Romancing Airwaves Across the Globe with their New CD: The Diamond Anniversary Tour 2013
Grammy Award Winning The Flamingos Starring Terry Johnson, aka the “Ambassadors for Romance”- herald the return of passion to radio airwaves worldwide as Musik Radio and Musik and Film Inc. launch into airplay “The Diamond Anniversary Tour 2013“ CD.
With a fresh new sound Hollywood, FL based Rock n’ Roll Hall of Famers The Flamingos debut their latest CD to worldwide radio through the promotions of Musik Radio ™ in association with Musik and Film Inc. Radio launch is scheduled to commence January 23, 2013.
When Cupid aimed his quiver of arrows at the music world, he inherently struck the hearts and voices of Terry Johnson and the newest members of The Flamingos. As unerring as the flight of those arrows, is the steady, rich flow of the music of love and romance from The Flamingos, Cupid’s “Ambassadors for Romance”. Proof the cherubic archer hit his mark, is the latest album, produced by Terry Johnson and Theresa Trigg.
Falling in love can start with a shared melody that one day becomes “our song.” The music of love and romance so evocatively delivered by this new album from The Flamingos has exactly that kind of power and persuasion. Released by Hot Fun Records, Musik Radio will be promoting the new CD to over 27,000 radio stations and 40,000 with syndication worldwide. From the opening track, written and performed by Grammy Hall of Fame Award honoree Terry Johnson, the listener is transported to a place and time separate from the daily details of ordinary life. Captivated by the richness of harmony interwoven into a musical tapestry you lose yourself. Dreamily sighing, one finds a hum tickling the back of your throat as you notice you are smiling and singing along hypnotized into an altered state. You’ve been romanced into the mood so aptly perfected by this impeccably produced new CD. In addition to being a gifted singer and performer, Johnson is a highly acclaimed producer. He was Musical and Vocal Arranger for The Flamingos during the magical time of the Grammy award win for their song,”I Only Have Eyes For You”. Starling Newsome and Stan Prinston join Terry on vocals presenting the listener with an audible example of the beauty of unity.
If, as some fear, romance has been “evicted” from much of today’s music, The Flamingos offer the recipe for reclamation: mix four parts smooth, mellow voices, fold in superb production, add sophisticated musical arrangements blend with keyboard and the guitar styling’s of award winning musicians, then sprinkle in familiar classics such as, “I Only Have Eyes For You,” and “When I Fall In Love,” and create The Diamond Anniversary Tour 2013 album. Send that recording into the world, taking it in concert and radio far and wide, to remind all of us that romance, and the love that a wonderful romance ignites, is ever near, if we just look and listen with open hearts.
“If you’re ever in the dog house, play this record and it gets you out fast.” – Bruno Mars in a Rolling Stone
Interview referencing The Flamingos, “I Only Have Eyes For You”
The Flamingos are currently on tour, traveling the world to present the romantic music of their Diamond
Anniversary Tour 2013 Album. For current tour dates and to purchase the new CD visit
Theresa Trigg
TJ Entertainment Agency
(954) 579-9123