
Chronic Edge Band new EP, Obsession, goes back to Chicago roots

April 16, 2013
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Chronic Edge Band’s  new EP  ‘Obsession‘ will soon be released to fans around the globe. In the words of Terry Nails, Musik and Film  producer, “the EP is pop-metal, in the vein of ‘Black Veil Brides’ with a Chronic Edge“.

The EP consists of all original songs written by Vinnie DiVencenzo, singer/lead guitar player.  He also co-produced along with the production team at M&F which arranged, remixed, added instrumentals, and did the mastering for this new EP.  Vinnie of Chronic Edge remarks,” it is along the lines of the Chicago rock group’s hard rock roots”.

Chronic Edge has received high praise with previous releases:

Chronic Edge’s retooling of “867-5309” shows that the band has no intention of being a “conventional” group, and is willing to take some chances by messing with a “classic”. Highly recommended!
– Hardrock Haven

Chronic Edge… hidden gem of exceptional and creative melodic rock in the current American indie music scene, and worthy of your full attention.
– Danger Dog


For a preview of  the 5 track EP :  listen to Paranoia, Spinnin’ Round and Sacrifice.

Alternative rock fans and rock fans alike should love this new album soon to be released worldwide to radio (50,000 stations) via Musik Radio Promotions


Chronic Edge 1500 x 1500 with MAF logo


Country artist Ryan Casper, feels the love around the world with international airplay

April 16, 2013
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Ryan Casper says of his music, ” I’m not pop, but I’m not part of the big buckle crowd either. My sound is a blend of modern and traditional. It’s a little bit of Garth and a little bit of Skynyrd with mustard and relish”.

After 15 years of hard work mastering his craft of singer/songwriter, Ryan Casper has found a home. Casper, partnering with  Musik Radio Promotions a few weeks ago, released a single, As the Crow Flies, to international airplay. It was quickly picked up by the BBC network , most of the ECMA(European Country Music Assoc), Europe,Australia, NZ, Ireland, Uk, US, and Japan.

Ryan’s passionate, pure voice has made him a favorite the world over as he goes full steam ahead and is now playing on over 3,000 radio stations, mostly FM, around the world. Ryan is now listed on the Musik Radio Wall of Success.

Being claimed as a hit:

“Oh, is that ever a hit song!”  Dixie McCorkell CMA/CCMA/ECMA Triplestrand Productions.

“As far as new artists go, I’ve never had such a demand. Bottom line…great guy, amazing music and I think it’s safe to say this might be Ryan Casper country now.” J-Dub(Justin Whitfield) of KKOW Radio.

Ryan Casper and Musik Radio Promotions plan to release 4 more singles this year.  There will be no slowing down for this talented country boy.

ryan blue


Don’t take our word for it – a few words from you – the artists.

April 16, 2013
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I Started in the music Industry when i was 9yo and It has always been my dream to Reach the International stage.
Over the years I have experienced the disappointments that the music Industry can quite often bring, it helped me to develop my motto,
“it isn’t happening until its happening”, thankfully last year i was Introduced to the Guys at Musik and Film and I haven’t looked back.
“This is who I am”, I have had nothing but professionalism from them and have had comments from sound techs at gigs about how professional my backing tracks are.
Musik and Film have also been in charge of my International Radio Promotions and I highly recommend their services to anyone considering International Radio Play, and with Rhonda Houston working behind the scenes they make a pretty Awesome team who follows through on their commitments they have worked with some pretty Amazing people over the years and now I’m thrilled to say that they are working with me 😀  Tamika Caspar

After years of struggling to make it to the Country Radio airways and jacklegg promotion companies taking advantage of what money I had to spend. GOD brought me MUSIK AND FILM and I am more than satisfied. STEPHEN and Rhonda have truely brought this dream of mine to life. Being picked up by the BBC AND THE ECMA. Having more spins in 48the hours than I’ve had my entire music career.
Thanks guys, Carol Strickland
Thanks to Musik and Film


Thanks to Stephen and his whole team, I am now being played in the UK, USA, Netherlands and all over Europe. I really appreciate Musik and Film’s support of my music and very impressed by the results I am getting now. For any artist who has been struggling with a dream and would love to be heard among the many, this is the right home for you. Again, thank you Stephen and your whole gang, I look forward to the future and the success to come! Amy Gass



I just want to thank Musikandfilm for getting my music out there and heard. I never dreamed I would make the charts and its all possible because of Steve and Rhonda, who happen to be some of the kindest and most genuine people you’ll ever meet! Thank you so very much!! And much success to us all!  Debbie Merkel


My name is Bryce Wastney. Im a singer / songwriter based in New Zealand and have worked closely with Stephen Wrench and the production team at Musik and Film label over the past 4 months (via the internet). I am thrilled to have had their expertise and passion directed at my song “Dead Man Walking”.
Stephen is a productive communicator and respected leader who brings a huge wealth of experience to the table. Stephen has helped produce my song into something that has exceeded my expectations and his advice is solid and straight to the point.
 Terry Nails has been a solid source of feedback both in the studio w and afterwards when we were fine tuning the final mix.
Only this level of expertise can come from years of experience and genuine passion for excellence. I have found them true to their word, very reasonable price wise and I know we have many more songs to produce together in the years to come. I completely recommend the Musik and Film production team for anything from production to distribution. Have a listen to ”Dead Man Walking” and let your ears do the judging! www.brycewastney.com
“You gotta love Stephen Wrench, Rhonda Wrench , and the entire (MAF) staff’s approach to music/business. It’s very rare to find a company that’s knowledgeable, passionate, but still respectful to its constituents.”

– Joanne, Phil, and Buddy, 7Horses


“Thanks for all the support you have given me and my project. My single ” How Deep is Your Love” off my “Simply Addictive” album was in the top 20 indie charts in the UK for a few weeks. You have helped me bring my dream closer and i am so grateful. My single ” Ms Perfect”, which is the theme song behind my clothing line that is releasing this year,is set to release to radios worldwide this week and I am excited and so Thankful… Much love Musik and Film.”

– Alex Jkell Kelley


“Musik Radio Promotions helped expose my music to a global audience, and this is just the beginning! My new single ‘RSVP’ (Come Back Baby) was just sent to radio yesterday, and the response has been tremendous so far. My previous single, ‘Love Me’, was a Top 10 indie hit in the UK! Musik Radio Promotions works! Thanks for all of your support, Musik and Film!”

– Norm Adams Music


“Many thanks to Stephen and Rhonda Wrench and to all the fine folks at Musik and Film for doing a wonderful job of promoting my new CD! It really is amazing and rewarding to learn how my music is being so well received, in many new markets, all over the world.”

– Fiddler Tim Smith


“We are totally committed to making this work and the more we work with you guys the more we value your belief and support in us! Cost of promo is fair…”

– Babble


“I couldn’t be happier with Musik Radio Promotions. Even with the amazing results, I am most impressed with their honesty. It has been a great experience and I look forward to working with them more in the future.”

– Derek Stinson (singer/songwriter Cletus Romp)


“A big thanks to Musik and Film Radio Promotions Team for helping my daughter, “Adrianna Freeman get her music to the World.”

– Thanks Big Ed.

“Stephen I just want to thank you and Rhonda-I have worked for 11 years, playing second fiddle to everyone else. Being looked over and passed over for other artists. It feels so good to be with people who believe in me and my music. For so long I felt like it was just me, my family, a notebook , and some songs. I have been promised so many things by so many people in the music industry that I thought I would never be able to trust anyone else in this business again. BUT- I trust you and Ms. Rhonda! I am so thankful that God lead my family to you, I really can’t thank you guys enough for helping to renew my faith in this business once again. With God’s help- I am starting to really believe that we can go all the way!!!!”

– Adrianna Freeman


“Hi, this is Ian JohnnyX with Chicago rock-punkers Voice Of Addiction. We have only been using MusikandFilm for a few weeks and already we received an immediate response from over 100 stations spinning our music!”

– Voice Of Addiction


“We are so grateful to be working with Musik and Film. I cannot say enough great things about the Label! The personalized hands on and respect and the going out of their way for you. Thank you for making things happen!”

– Joanne Filips


“Great Service! I highly recommend Musik and Film. We are located in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, and we were a little skeptical, at first, but now we are thrilled with the radio promotion so far with the very professional press release and initial radio support of our new single released song “Move Your Body.” Stephen and Rhonda Wrench have created a “tried and true” system that every music artist needs to take advantage of by putting you in touch with world wide radio “LIVE” and on the internet. If the world does not know who you are they can not find you – which we have seen blowing it up for several years in Europe. MAF have a practical and realistic approach to announcing your band to the music business and in turn using this for you to be heard by potential fans. No tricks, no magic just connecting and networking with outlets that can help push your music. Just put it in and let the “FUNK” speak for itself. Let it move you, groove you and set you free. MAF gives your music a chance to do this…on a much bigger scale. Exposure…Exposure…Exposure. If you want professional and honest promotion get with Stephen…just send him your music and see what he says.”

– Funky P


“For a guy who’s been banging his head on the outside walls of this crazy music biz for almost 30 years, meeting and working with Stephen Wrench and his associates at Musikandfilm has been almost too good to be true. Stephen has single-handedly taken 5 of my songs and molded them into grand creations; … the ‘real deal’ — honest, hard-working, talented, and with ears that catch, at times, way too much, lol! I suppose one has to first experience the phonies, wannabe’s and con-artists in this business to truly appreciate professionalism and world-class talent, and that’s just what’s happened to me in my recent experience with Stephen and MAF. Whatever success I have with this material in the coming months and years will be largely attributable to Stephen, and the good folks at Musikandfilm. Here’s looking forward to a great journey together.”

– J.J. Crowne


“Stephen and Rhonda, thanks for your belief and hard work. A label that cares.”

– Al Goodwin


“I’ve worked with Stephen many times over the years and will for sure work with him again. His honesty and straight forward style is a welcome relief in business today. A really great person.”

– Jimi Jamison


“Stephen Wrench and his team at Musik and Film are doing a great job getting our music heard at radio stations throughout the world. Our album spent five weeks on the top 20 at the Swedish Album Chart (spring 2009). Our first single “The Bridge” was one of the 15 most aired songs at National Radio in Sweden during the first six months of 2009. Thank you Stephen Wrench for making it all happen.”

– Johan Wahlstrom, Stockholm Stoner


“We have been really pleased with Cinderella Records. They have been great across the board. They helped us with publishing, which we knew very little about, the digital distribution was done on time and we are starting to pick up radio play too. We certainly really could not be happier with them. A good honest label and really nice people running it – would recommend them in a heart beat.”

– Never A Hero




“We recently signed a distribution and radio promotion deal with Stephen Wrench, and we are very happy to have done so. His response to our needs are impeccable. His creative guidance in regards to producing by suggesting and adding other instruments to our recordings has proved to be a positive and fun experience. We look forward to a long lasting relationship of working together on future projects!”

– Joanne, Phil, and Buddy, 7Horses


“In this day and age, being an artist in the music business is a tough cookie to crack, let alone being from a mid-sized city in Upstate New York. With the team at Musik and Film, and their extensive publicity and promotion, we are able to reach a global market that would otherwise be untouchable. Being able to work so closely with Musik and Film’s management team gives us (the artist) the ability to be a part of what we are creating while we are creating it, and working with their top-notch producers is something we couldn’t have dreamed of a year ago.”

– Steve Bower, Oxford Train


“There are a lot of companies these days biding for the business of music professionals that quite frankly have lost touch with the rapid changes in the music business, which is where Stephen Wrench differs and excels with his proactive and visionary approach to tackle the digital revolution head-on. His personalized hands-on engagement in delivering results is what I have personally come to respect and appreciate in helping my band meet our music objectives.
Stephen Wrench has believed in us and our music from the start, he has stuck by us and stood up for us. Stephen is an honest and sincere voice in the music industry and he has integrity, which is rare. He treats his artists with respect. We are grateful to be working with him.”

– Brett Pedersen and Pete Weaver, Half the World






California’s Country Singer/Songwriter, Amy Gass, goes global with Musik Radio Promotions

April 15, 2013
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Amy Gass is a serious artist, willing to work hard to make her dreams a reality.  Says Amy, “Every moment, good or bad, is another opportunity to reach out and connect with the audience.

Amy has taken a step further to make her dreams a reality, signing with Musik Radio to promote her music in 60 countries to over 50,000 stations worldwide.

Her latest CD album shows off Amy’s talent as an exceptional singer and song writer.  Eight out of the ten songs were co-written by Amy, and you will enjoy her style and sound in these heart felt songs.  You can almost taste the intensity of “Never Knew”, and hear the determination of will in the song, “Strong”.

Manuel De Haro, producer and owner of Acceso Productions says, “I have to say Amy’s voice and talent is one of the most unique I have heard, and her passion and dedication for music are always inspiring.  I am always blown away by her impressive voice”

A favorite on her my space page is the rockin’ “When Good Girls Love bad Boys”. Then the adolescent pureness of the song, “My Best Friend” takes you back to childhood and dreaming that anything is possible. The crown jewel of the album is the heart wrenching duet, “When We’re Cheating On Each Other”. It reminds one of George Jones and Tammy Wynette.

  Amy  remarks, “Thanks to Stephen and his whole team, I am now being played in the UK, USA, Netherlands and all over Europe. I really appreciate Musik and Film’s support of my music and very impressed by the results I am getting now. For any artist who has been struggling with a dream and would love to be heard among the many, this is the right home for you. Again, thank you Stephen and your whole gang, I look forward to the future and the success to come!

Amy is now being played on over 3000 stations including the BBC Network, Australia, NZ, and Japan and is listed on the Musik Radio Wall of Success. 










Artist News Uncategorized

Power Rock Group, ONE, powers up with Musik Radio Promotions

April 11, 2013
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Proclaimed as “the next Nickelback from Quebec”  by ETalk Daily  (CTV), power rock group, ONE,  has teamed up with Musik Radio Promotions to gain international exposure.

After the success of their Sophomore release “Dirty Valentine”. The ONE boys felt incredibly inspired to begin working on a new album. Having spent the better part of the last 3 years touring, there was a lot of excitement about getting back into writing mode.

In the music business today, albums can sound generic and too polished. Something that ONE tries to avoid. “The bands and albums that inspire us to be musicians are the old school Led Zeppelin, Ramones and Motley Crue records. Nowadays everything is sampled and over compressed for radio, the soul of the songs at
times seems to be lacking,” says guitarist Staniforth who also co-produced the last album with guitarist, Jardine.

The new album “Worlds Collide” speaks of struggles and success stories of today’s reality. A groovy, rock your face off album that has a little something for everyone. “It even has a song that if you turned the heavy guitars back could be considered country,” says Rossi.

“With so much going on in the World, you can’t help but write about it. It is all about staying positive and staying the course,” adds Staniforth.

Signing a global radio promotions deal with Musik Radio Promotions, seemed to be the next logical step on the course to getting a positive message out to the world. With the first single promotion of, “Queen of Rock n’ Roll”, One,  has begun to build a global fan base and are on the Musik Radio Wall of Success,   having gotten airplay on over 1,000 stations worldwide.

With a new album comes a new chapter. A chapter that the band will write one show at a time.


Artist News Uncategorized

Hangin With Stogie – still hangin’ with Musik Radio Worldwide Promotions

April 3, 2013
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When Hangin With Stogie,  an all girl, country, pop band from Fredericksburg, Va, released an EP in April 2012, who would have dreamed a year later, they would  still be charting on radio worldwide. 

Musik Radio Promotions, a division of Musik and Film Inc, began a global radio campaign for airplay  in summer 2012. The band  is now on over 10,000 stations worldwide including the BBC network.

The idea for recording  ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ , as a cross of “The Turtles meets Dylan”  came about by Stephen Wrench, President, Musik and Film. The single continues to  chart in many countries in Europe on the ECMA(European country music Assoc).



Debbie Merkel Charts with Release of “How Do I Say Goodbye” to Worldwide Radio

March 30, 2013
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 Christian/Country recording artist Debbie Merkel first came to  Musik and Film Records with release of “On Heaven’s Wings”,  in 2012.  

Debbie is now back with release of 2 singles on “How Do I Say Goodbye” released worldwide by Musik Radio Promotions.

 Merkel says, “I write about things I know and experience… struggles, losing my mother, experiencing child abuse, and yet how God is at the root of it all and sustains us through all things.”  A delicate and true vocal caresses the gentle melodies and spirit filled lyrics of each track. Messages of hope, triumph, and inspiration welcome the listener and encourage communion. “I write about things others can relate to but share it on a spiritual level,” offers Merkel of the message of her music.

A Halloween song composed at the tender age of 8 and performed by her entire class at school was Debbie’s first light of understanding that her voice was God’s gift to be shared. Influenced by Amy Grant and Bette Midler she designs her music with notable honesty and feminine luminosity. After 911 Debbie had the honor of joining local celebrity artists in a television performance to raise funds for the recovery efforts of the horrific tragedy. “The television performance was a song I wrote called, ‘Together’ which is on the album and is about feeling alone but when we come together and celebrate Gods love, we can accomplish anything.”

With faith in God and hopes of “accomplishing anything” Debbie Merkel’s music stands to deliver a beautiful ray of light into the radio airwaves and offer listeners around the Globe messages of love, hope and inspiration. That is certainly coming true with her latest release, as Debbie’s latest release is being played on hundreds of stations and charting around the globe.

Musik and Film is proud to represent Debbie as her label and look forward to many successful future releases.




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