Radio Promotion

Artist News Radio Promotion

How does an Indie Artist get a Radio Hit In The United States?

September 16, 2015
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I have been in the music industry a good 40 years including serving as VP of a division with a major label. I have seen a lot of changes and then some things never change. I was recently asked by a very good independent artist “I am just as good as anyone I hear on the American top 40 why do I have to pay to get a radio hit record in the US?”

Good question. There are a lot of artists out there that are every bit as good as who you hear on the Top 40. Why don’t you hear these people? One reason is there are 9 radio conglomerates that monopolize all the Billboard reporting stations they are

The we have the article on  This article tells us all about how payola is illegal. But there is always more than one way to skin a cat. The Record and Radio Industry are big business. Big Business has no ear for talent just making money, that’s the American way.

If you google this subject you will really have to read between the lines because no one wants to admit how corrupt radio and the business of hit songs still are today. See

The fact is in days of old many promoters used to bring in bags of cash to drop in DJ’s or Music Programmers hands. Again see If you want your record played on major US stations its business as always Pay to Play.

Even though legislation was passed payola in some form or the other still exists. The estimates vary, but the number is around one million when all is said and done to get a hit record.

Yes a good artist can get played on B and tertiary stations along with college radio in the US. But this will not translate to a Billboard hit.

I could reference articles all day long. The fact is if you want a hit on US radio then you have to pay for it and handsomely. Estimates range from $50,000 to in excess of $1,000,000.00 in promotional costs and payoffs.

But if you want a Gold record in the US all you have to do is stream yourself a half a million times and that Gold record is yours. Total cost $3500.00. But that doesn’t mean anyone will hear it.

However, indie artists can make a good living and can tour the world. The fact is you need radio airplay to be able to successfully tour. People have to know who you are. Yes there is streaming. But who is gonna hear you among billions of songs? You need radio airplay to tour.

Indie artists, you don’t have a million dollars for promotion? First hire a good radio promoter who covers the world. Outside the US the type of corruption referenced above does not exist. Radio outside the US will play good music. They don’t care if it’s from a major label or a indie artist, as long as it good music they will play it.

After you are getting played contact the stations that are playing you and thank them. Offer them radio liners, radio interviews and offer to send them a dozen promo give- away cds. Radio likes to offer their listening audience giveaways. To give your cds away, they play you more, mention who you are more and increase your exposure. Once you have done this you are that radio station’s friend.

So then ask the stations that are playing you who are their advertising venues. Get their contact information. Call, email those venues. Tell them you are playing on xyz radio station in their town and want to come to their town to perform. Let the radio stations know you are going to do this and they will back you because if the venue hires you the venue will hire them to advertise the performance.

This will get you even more exposure on that radio station. Radio will love you because they got the venues advertising dollars because of you. You get a performance date that is well advertised and a radio station that is playing your music and supporting you. Most likely when you go to perform you will have a full house of people who came to see you. You will sell merchandise, gain fans and if you do a good performance be asked to come back again. Everyone wins.

You don’t have a top 40 Billboard hit but you are getting airplay around the world. You can now book gigs around the world successfully, for decent money. You may or may not attain superstar status but you can perform around the world and make a good living.

If you are interested in our radio promotion service, please feel free to contact us. We boast a database of 250,000 stations and syndicates in 180 countries.

By Stephen Wrench

Indie Artist Help Radio Promotion

How Signing A Major Record Deal Nearly Destroyed My Music Career by Terra Naomi

September 10, 2015
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The most important thing is to stay true to who you are, no matter which path you choose. It’s such a cliché, but I cannot stress it enough. Put in the work to become the very best version of yourself, and create the music that moves you. Because if it moves you, chances are it will move someone else. We no longer need millions of fans to create a meaningful career in music, as long as we’re smart about the steps we take.

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Indie Artist Help Radio Promotion

How To Know You Are Getting Radio Airplay

March 21, 2014
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We are asked all the time “How do I know my song is getting played” and how many times did they spin it”, with a campaign through Musik Radio Promotions. We have been promoting artists globally and know that if the station downloads your music you are being played. We have years of data to back this up. We have literally had artists show up on playlists and charts 2 years after we have sent out a radio campaign.

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Artist News Radio Promotion

How Musik Radio Promotions gets your music heard and played in 80 countries

April 25, 2013
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Musik Radio Promotions has over 75,000 radio stations and 250,000 stations with syndicated networks and station affiliates in every genre in 80 countries. We literally have just about every radio station in the US, UK, Australasia, Ireland, Scotland, and thousands of stations in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. 93% of our stations are FM stations. We cover most Billboard, Cashbox and many other reporting stations and charts around the world. We promote to most major networks including BBC, Sirius, I-Heart and many others. We have charted artists in the top 10 in many charts around the world.

So, who is Musik and Film?

Most of the principals and associates at Musik and Film and Musik Radio Promotions are musicians and have toured the world extensively as members of internationally recognized artists.

We realized that radio in the US is controlled by major labels as “Gatekeepers” , meaning Major US radio corporations that positioned themselves as the “Gatekeepers” . They control almost 75% of the US radio market. This left 25% of possible stations within the US that would consider playing an Indie artist’s music. It’s a big world out there and we found out if you can get enough airplay outside of the US, it follows that the US market is then forced to listen and be receptive to playing your music.

Radio Promotion was done for decades regionally. Meaning radio promotion companies charged a fee usually starting at $2500 USD and up to mail your music to a few hundred radio stations in a specific genre and then call them to urge them to play you. But it’s no longer a regional market – it’s a World Market.

As such, we started calling radio programmers around the world. We promised them that we would never send more than 4 artists in any one genre in any one week. We also promised them that we would be selective and only send the best artists and not send them anything that would not stand up to any other major artist. Radio in turn promised us they would listen.

So, what does this mean for you – the artist?

Radio outside of the US works differently. The rest of the world for the most part does not have a top 30 that they play over and over. They have what they call “Radio Presenters” . These presenters each develop their own play lists based on what the audience wants to hear. And most stations outside the US are not one specific genre. Most stations play a variety of music and have shows that feature 2 to 4 hours of rock, then pop, then country and every other genre.

Musik Radio has developed its own software that will deliver a high quality DPK to radio PDs. The DPK  includes the artist’s promo picture, press quotes, web and social links, bios and of course their music. The DPK is created by us and then approved by the artist. Once approved, we send the DPK to radio programmers all over the world. Radio can stream and listen and then decide if they want to download it for airplay. We provide weekly reporting to every artist for the life of the single, which has ranged from a minimum of 6 weeks to a maximum of over a year for some artists.

Benefits to the Indie Artist:

  1. Collect 100% of airplay royalties around the world.
  2. Touring, it is impossible to successfully tour unless people know who you are. Use the radio airplay and charts to successfully tour any geographical area.

Costs? We design packages for the artist based on a single or multiple tracks.  We can also add old fashioned radio calls to radio programmers urging them to listen and play your music. All packages include a world press release and promotion.

How does an artist get started?

Experience has proved to Musik Radio Promoters what radio will play and will not play.

Submit your track for review to our team of producers.

We want your music – heard AND played.



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