Musik and Film

Artist News

Mark Ruebery. One Night Once Chance Release Show Video Drops!!!

September 14, 2015
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Musik Radio Promotions artist, Mark Ruebery, released his new album “One Night, One Chance” earlier this year! Well, he recently posted a video  highlight reel from the show that night, featuring clips from all the tracks! Be sure not to miss these great highlights! Found here.  Mark has been WELL accepted on radio around the world, thanks to Musik Radio Promotions for helping to accomplish that! If YOU want to get your music heard worldwide, then contact Musik Radio Promotions today!!

Artist News

Musik and Film CEO Stephen Wrench Guest Blogs on IOTM

August 17, 2015
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Musik and Film Records CEO Stephen Wrench was just featured as a Guest Blogger on the popular Indie Artist website, Indie On The Move! Be sure to check out Stephen’s article about obtaining record label deals in this day and age as an independent artist, treating your music as a business, and making your own path.

Musik and Film Records offers a plethora of tools for the indie artist to use to get their music heard. The Musik Radio Promotions team promotes to over 250,000 in over 180 countries, coupling that with 40 years of industry experience, and a full studio setup for the artist to utilize, Musik and Film Records is prepared to help you step up your musical career. Check out Musik and Film Record’s website here for more information on how we empower the artist.

Artist News

A Review for Crimson Chrysalis latest album Enraptured

August 17, 2015
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Earlier this year Musik and Film Records signed south african symphonic rock band Crimson Chrysalis, and released their sophomore album “Enraptured” to the world. It has been garnering reviews and fans around the world since. Below is a recent review from on the album itself, check it out:


Soaring symphonic rock with a baroque atmosphere and metal stylings is the order of the day from South Africa’s Crimson Chrysalis. Fronted by the climactic, powerhouse vocals of Rene van den Berg; the music ranges from sweeping operatic passages with heavy guitar riffs and orchestral arrangements holding court from a lofty position in the sky. If Lacuna Coil would have kept their original classical style mixed with metal (minus the growled male vocals), then they might have ended up in this ballpark, which isn’t a bad place to be.

On Enraptured, the project radiates a worldly power that transcends genre for something truly special. An Evanescence clone this isn’t. “Soul Stalker” opens up hard with pounding keyboards, a rumbling bass presence, thundering drums and metal guitars dancing in tandem with the somber synth melodies. At the center of the tempest Rene stands strong carrying the lyrics to incredibly hi plateaus. The waltzing “Surrender” trades tasteful, rock oriented lead guitar shots with gloriously conducted strings. An ethereal, mid-tempo crunch runs throughout much of “Elegy” and its engaging vocal duets.

“Sacred Vows” opens with a piano sonata, slowly building up to the introduction of strings and eventually delivering a fully bombastic barrage of melodic, harmony-minded guitar riffs at a grand scale. The vocals absolutely captivate from the first note to the last. It seems like “Infinity” is conjured from a darker place with singing adopting a gritty, smoky baritone amongst cycling, marching arrangements that are as loud as they are pretty. The straight heavy metal mania of “Burning Fire with Fire” has an intense, pulsing rhythm attack on hand, featuring some of the most aggressive drumming and bass on the album. In terms of its guitar riffs, this is a track that will get the feet stomping and the head-banging.

Acoustic guitar is a focal point of “Enlightenment.” Electric instrumentation is softly added during the track’s procession but for the most part this song remains a true to the heart ballad that fans of Blackmore’s Night would probably enjoy. Things get almost Metallica hard on the crunching, forward driving groove of “Fear.” Flute is added to the equation on the folksy dreamworld conjured up by “The Raven.” When you least expect it, the song practically catapults itself in your direction like a runaway wrecking ball intent on destruction. Closing couplet “Virgin Death” and “Grace” piles on the classical music goodness and could both be part of the soundtrack to the greatest romance movie ever made.

Crimson Chrysalis plays genuine music straight from the soul with the ability to appeal to fans of many different genres. The entire effect is like going to see a huge musical production conducted by a maestro. Rock, folk, metal, world, classical and opera are combed on Enraptured to create an album that really doesn’t sound a lot like anyone else out there. When you top if it off with the jaw-dropping vocal talents of Rene van den Berg; there is no denying the greatness. In a musical climate dominated by “formula” and “cookie cutter” pop, Crimson Chrysalis stands high above the pack.


If you want YOUR music heard around the world, be sure to contact the Musik Radio Promotions team about our radio promotions packages, you can find more information on that by clicking here.

Artist News

Reviews and Interviews for Ajay Mathurs album 9 to 3

August 11, 2015
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Ajay Mathur released his latest album “9 to 3” earlier this year, and he has been burning up the charts, currently in the top 10 in the charts in the US. He’s been getting great reviews on “9 to 3” and Musik and Film is here to share 2 of his latest reviews, and a recent interview in Under The Gun Review! Ajay’s music is playing on radio stations all around the world, if YOU want YOUR music heard around the world too…then click here to find out more details!

“Music may not change the world or a system, but it does help to make us dream, give us hope, make us feel strong and even loved.” – Interview by Brian Leak


“This is a very unique album, with a feel of how albums used to be, full of surprises and risks that take you on a trip and engage your mind as well as your ears.” – Rick Ecker 


“Filled with clear and concise originality and individualism partnered with great wisdom and talent, this album is a winner.” releases-9-to-3-with-top-reviews/



Artist News

Josef Haid Rocks Out Swiss Interview!!!

August 11, 2015
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Josef Haid, from Switzerland, had an awesome radio interview in Interlachen where they featured 4 of his songs on the air, one of which was a live acoustic performance!! Be sure to check out the interview and the performances here!! (The interview is in Swiss German, but the performances are in english. As an added bonus, the link includes a youtube video to a 20 minute compilation video of a CD release concert! Do you want to do radio interviews for YOUR music? To reach new fans around the world? Check out what our Musik Radio Productions team can do for you, here!!!

Artist News

Taking Care of Business, The Ball is In Your Court…

August 4, 2015
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All I see these days on Linkedin, Facebook and everywhere are people bitchin’ about streaming, the declining music industry and lack of opportunities for Indie artists. Today I see on Linkedin “5 Reasons the Music Business is in the Toilet”. We all know its in the toilet, but what are you gonna do about it.  Boo Hoo there are no more record labels willing to plunk down cash to fund artists. There are no more publishing deals offering cash advances. “Boo Hoo there is no place for starving artists to obtain funding.” Indigogo and others were great at first but now its worn thin. You know what they say “Can’t Never Could”.

A brief background. Major labels fought the digital age. When they finally knew they could not fight it anymore, their way of embracing it ruined the Indie artists. The way they embraced it was to buy every digital distributor there was on the planet. Then the international President of Sony stated publicly, “Indie artists are becoming competition we need to level the playing field”. Their way of leveling the playing field was to embrace streaming services, but they went to the extreme on that one too. They took hundreds of millions in advances to allow streaming services to stream their catalogs. They never asked any artists permission to do so. Then to add insult to injury they keep the yearly advances, nothing is shared with the artists. Then they fed the artists with this crap “oh it’s a great opportunity for the indie artist’s exposure”. Bullshit! How is ANYONE going to find you among Billions of artists? Enough Bitchin’.

Let’s face it streaming is here to stay, it ain’t going away. They may raise the rates by 1/1000 of a cent but what difference will that make? Major labels have always been the gatekeepers and the big money. It doesn’t matter if its music or politics the 1% who has all the money rules the world.

Face the music its always been this way. But there are plenty of tools for the indie artist to succeed. Did you know, this week was the first week in history that 8 artists in the UK’s Top 40 were indie artists? Its starting to happen everywhere. You may not be able to make yourself a superstar, but with a limited budget you can chart, you can tour, and you can make a good living.

Artists have to realize music is a business and they have to run it like a business. Business’s need advertising. In this case advertising is not only social media but worldwide radio airplay. Cause you cannot successfully tour without radio airplay. Neil Young recently said “the only way for artist to make money these days is in the live experience” Perform in front of people all over the world. Sell your merchandise and collect your radio airplay royalties and license your music. But nobody’s gonna do it for you anymore. You have to do it for yourself.

Musik and Film has been working on opportunities worldwide for the Indie Artists through world radio airplay and charting, touring opportunities. Email us at and we will consult with you and help you achieve that success.

Artist News

Make Music and Money Too?!?!

June 22, 2015
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The world is filled with artists, bands and songwriters. All are compelled to make music. Why? Because it’s in their soul. They have no choice. It’s a creative outlet, they feel it, breathe and hear in their head.

I have been creating music since I was a kid, and I will never stop. We musicians have to do it regardless of free streaming or whether we make money from it. But we should be paid for our creativity and there are ways even in today’s music market that a creator of music can make a living from it.

“How?”, you ask? The first thing a creator of music has to do is realize that it is a business. Your business of creating music. Like any other business, your business needs capitol to operate. You need a sound business plan and a good product. In this case the good product is good music.

Okay, so you have recorded the tracks at home and think they are good enough for the world to hear. This is generally not correct unless you are one hell of a studio engineer. When you’re done recording take your session files to a great studio. That’s right great – not good. Have them remix and re-master for you. Radio compresses files so if your tracks are thin and goes to radio they will sound thin. The ole’ saying is “If you are going to do something do it right…”.

Now you have a great product. That’s the start of being in business. So now you think you can go to CD Baby and the world will hear you and want your product. Wrong again. You think that people will see your release and want to hear it. There are literally not millions or billions but TRILLIONS of songs on Spotify and other streaming services. How are they going to find you?

So now you think “Ah Ha!”, social media and I will get fans. You will find a lot of other fellow musicians but rarely fans that will buy your music.

The answers are simple. Radio is still the best way to get and artist heard and gain fans. Yes there are a lot of radio promotion companies out there. Some good and some not so good. You want mass airplay around the world. After all, we are all connected globally now.

Don’t promote your music locally or just in your country. Promote it globally. Find a good publisher who knows what they are doing. They will track down your airplay royalties worldwide. Yes, airplay royalties. Radio actually pays you to play your song. The BBC network 1 thru 6 is the largest radio network in the world. If you get picked up on the main BBC networks they pay in the hundreds of dollars for each spin. A hit song can generate thousands in airplay royalties.

That’s one way to make money off your music. Then after radio is playing your music contact them. Tell them you are coming to their town and want to perform. Ask them what some of their advertising venues. They will be happy to tell you and in most cases be happy to do a 3 way call with the venues. Radio will tell the venue you are playing on their station. If they are playing you in Warsaw Poland then you are a star in Warsaw. Use that status. Radio wants the venue’s advertising dollars. You want a good paying gig. You go to the well-advertised gig, get paid and sell out all your merchandise. Radio got paid so they are now your friend and will play anything you send them. The venue had a full house and want you back. It’s a win-win for all.

Make Money from your music. Radio promotion, airplay royalties, paid performances, merchandise sales.

Artist News

Radio is looking for new Summer Hit Songs

June 16, 2015
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Radio around the world wants fresh new material. They are tired of what the major labels send them -the same ole’ artists every week, same sound. Radio and their listeners are tired of this.

Musik Radio Promotion’s Campaigns can get you heard and played to a potential 250,000 stations in 180 countries!  Choose your plan now!

Read or watch video!

What most people don’t realize is that the BBC is the largest radio network in the world. You can’t bribe the BBC. You can’t pay them any amount of money to play a song they don’t think their listeners would like to hear or a song that is stale. This applies to radio stations and networks around the world.

The majority of the US market is controlled by major labels, and radio conglomerates and payola in one form or the other. But radio outside the US is dying to get their hands on fresh new songs by artists. These radio networks and stations are not influenced by major labels or payola. They are influenced by their listeners who want to hear fresh new music from fresh new artists. Not the same top 40 artists cranking out the same  stale songs.

We have charted countless artist`s new music around the world. We can get your songs heard around the world! Want to be able to tour? You can’t successfully tour without radio support and airplay.

Besides getting your music played and heard around the world you can earn airplay royalties for your song being played. What are you waiting for – Someone to find you among the billions of songs on Spotify and be paid a fraction of a cent?

Submit your song today for consideration of Musik Radio Promotion’s worldwide radio campaigns.  Radio only plays well produced and recorded material that are potential hits. Is your song a potential new summer hit song?



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