Artist News

Radio is looking for new Summer Hit Songs

June 16, 2015
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Radio around the world wants fresh new material. They are tired of what the major labels send them -the same ole’ artists every week, same sound. Radio and their listeners are tired of this.

Musik Radio Promotion’s Campaigns can get you heard and played to a potential 250,000 stations in 180 countries!  Choose your plan now!

Read or watch video!

What most people don’t realize is that the BBC is the largest radio network in the world. You can’t bribe the BBC. You can’t pay them any amount of money to play a song they don’t think their listeners would like to hear or a song that is stale. This applies to radio stations and networks around the world.

The majority of the US market is controlled by major labels, and radio conglomerates and payola in one form or the other. But radio outside the US is dying to get their hands on fresh new songs by artists. These radio networks and stations are not influenced by major labels or payola. They are influenced by their listeners who want to hear fresh new music from fresh new artists. Not the same top 40 artists cranking out the same  stale songs.

We have charted countless artist`s new music around the world. We can get your songs heard around the world! Want to be able to tour? You can’t successfully tour without radio support and airplay.

Besides getting your music played and heard around the world you can earn airplay royalties for your song being played. What are you waiting for – Someone to find you among the billions of songs on Spotify and be paid a fraction of a cent?

Submit your song today for consideration of Musik Radio Promotion’s worldwide radio campaigns.  Radio only plays well produced and recorded material that are potential hits. Is your song a potential new summer hit song?



Artist News

North Carolinas Country Artist, Canaan Cox, on to next level with Musik Radio Promotions

November 12, 2014
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Canaan Cox is a new and exciting country artist from Hendersonville, North Carolina. He not only writes g his own music, but is a phenomenal multi-instrumentalist.     Canaan released a new single, Summer, in the beginning of 2014 and has recently began a worldwide radio campaign with Musik Radio Promotions. The response has been phenomenal, being called “brilliant” by some! Canaan is now being played on BBC networks along with thousands of other stations.

Canaan spoke of his experience with the radio promotions service, “Musik and Film Records has taken my dreams to the next level with their radio promotion services. When looking into launching a radio campaign, I had several companies in mind. But from one phone call with Musik and Film, it was a no-brainer. They are 75% cheaper and 100% more honest than any other company I spoke with. The turn out has been beyond what I could have asked for and will continue to use their services with my next single. I can’t wait to launch another tune to see where they can take me. promoting our music.”.

Musik and Film is thrilled to be working with Canaan and asked him to share with our readers about himself:

What made you want to pursue a career in music?

I grew up all around music. My entire family plays one instrument or the other so I’ve always been around it. However, it wasn’t until college I considered pursuing it and that had to do with writing. I wrote a poem for a girl in high school and in my first year of college thought I would put it to music. So a friend of mine got together in the sic building with a cheap little microphone and garage band and demoed my first song…I was hooked. Writing is such a wonderful and creative outlet for me, so I began to write more and more. It’s not by surprise seeing as though my parents are also writers themselves.

Besides music, what are 3 of your favorite things?

I absolutely love going to the movies. I’m a huge movie nerd and will always have an excuse to catch a flick. I love anything that has to do with water, swimming, hiking, waterfalls, canoeing, anything outdoors. And I love love love me some chocolate milk. There’s has been too many times in my life where I’ll go out at 2am to the nearest gas station just to get a bottle of chocolate milk.

Do you play any instruments?

I grew up in the mountains of NC so bluegrass and country music was the thing to play. I picked up the mandolin when I was 9, learning by ear, playing to Nickel Creeks first album. It wasn’t until middle school I picked up the fiddle and guitar. I also play piano, but just enough to write a song with.

How would you describe your music?

Vocally, I always get compared to Rascal Flatts, which to me, is a huge compliment because they were a huge part of my CD collection growing up. However, having 7 sisters, I had my share of the 90s boy bands, mom cranked Lynyrd Skynyrd, and my dads favorite artist was Conway Twitty, so when it comes to music and lyrics, I have a lot of influences to pull from that incorporate into my music.

What are your goals where do you want to take your music?

I could say that I want to go wherever the music takes me, or I just want to be happy, but the thing is… I love performing my music. And until my face is on the side of a tour bus, Madison square garden sales out in under 2 minutes, and I get to play in front of hundreds of thousands of fans, I won’t be happy. However, it’s not for the money and the fame, but to be remembered. And being remembered for bringing great music to the world and sharing my God given talents, that’ll be fine by me.


Artist News

Why cant I get my music on the mainstream radio in the US?

January 30, 2014
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According to All Indie Magazine, “You can, but it costs a lot of money to do so. Radio campaigns range differently in price depending on the size of the region and how large a network you want to market in. If you want to market to radio stations in the major metropolitan areas, then get ready to cough up in upwards of $250,000 per campaign. If you’re doing your own promotion, be prepared to be ignored and get your CD’s tossed in the garbage. A station manager or program director gets upwards of 20 to 100 CD’s per day. By email, they are unsolicited by hundreds of indie labels and do-it-yourself artists. Guess who’s emails and appointments they’re going to accept? Not yours unless you’re a rep from the “Big 3″ (Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group) or one of the smaller major labels including Columbia Records, RCA Records, and Epic Records. Priority goes down from there to the next highest labels in the chain.”
CEO Stephen Wrench of Musik and Film states,  “there is good news – its a big world and radio exists outside the of the United States. Radio in other countries are very receptive to playing good Indie Artists music. The BBC is the largest radio network in the world and Musik Radio Promotions services 104 countries and over 170,000+ stations. We can get your music heard!!!”
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