Top-tier musicianship and at times, haunting with a hard-hitting message depicting harsh realities of human trafficking in this preview. The full documentary will be released along with Krom’s full album with Musik and Film Records.

Lil Suzie is the 6th KROM song to describe the tragedy of the ever growing sexual slavery industry in South East Asia where young girls are coerced into prostitution through poverty, kidnappings, violence or even sold to sex traders by family and how they subsequently very quickly become addicted to amphetamines so that they can tolerate the horror of their lives as they are forced to provide their”service “to as many customers each day. Lil Suzie describes the despair and pain of one such “hooker “as she walks down a path of no return to an early grave. Written by KROM composer-songwriter Christopher Minko, Lil Suzie is based on a series of photographs by Jonathan Van Smit whose groundbreaking series of photos show the harsh reality behind the life of a prostitute in South East Asia.

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